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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Jan 31, 2005
The last Low thread is from May of 2005, so I think it's time for a new one.

A friend just gave me "Things We Lost In The Fire." I'm only a little into it, but it's pretty good so far.

Anyone else into these guys?

ETA: "Pretty good" in the droning, slow, mellow sort of way :wink:
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Things We Lost in the Fire is their only good album, and I still think that it's only half-good. They're a decent band who has recorded a lot of amazing stand-alone tracks but not a single fully realized LP. Their conservatism has hurt them, over time, but songs like "In Metal" and "Sunflower" are still jaw-dropping.
If you shout... said:
Their conservatism has hurt them

True....you can almost get only one album and essentially have them all.
My cousin has toured with them. I have seen them quite a few times, including opening for Radiohead at Madison Square Garden (talk about an odd venue for this type of a band).

They have done a number of side projects that have been pretty amazing...

I like them for their mellow music...but you have to be in the mood for it.
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