Blue Crack Supplier
I agree with Laz that meeting in a large group alleviates a little bit of the pressure. And, thanks, Laz, for the kind works, big shuttlecock.
I agree with Laz that meeting in a large group alleviates a little bit of the pressure. And, thanks, Laz, for the kind works, big shuttlecock.
Surprisingly, NSW, I am going to the show all by my lonesome! In a shocking turn of events, I only know two people, in the flesh, who like Los Campesinos!. One of them, a good friend, lives in Los Angeles; he won't exactly be flying out, for this one. The other, my girl, currently lives in Buenos Aires. In yet another shocking turn, she won't be flying to Chicago to see the band, either. My other friends are all idiots. Kinda sucks, doesn't it? I feel like a lot of the poseur-hipster types that'll probably be drawn to a major metropolitan Los Campesinos! show are going to be exactly the kinds of people from whom one might need some insulation. Here's hoping, right?
So, I guess I'm saying that your "strength in numbers" thinking is probably a good line of thought. I know that these fans-meet-up things oftentimes do feel a bit "exclusive," if you will, because doesn't it always seem like one person is having to introduce himself or herself to a whole group of people who already seem to know one another? It's a strange dynamic which endlessly fascinates me. It's just awkward by definition, really, and the main reason why I, too, have avoided "organized" U2 fans since the PopMart tour.
Where does this all leave me, then? Well, I guess in more or less the same spot I already was, but with a bit more to think about, and a few more tweaked perspectives to consider. Laz, Wire pre-dated my own internet access, so I was never involved, but...well, I feel your pain, regarding those kinds of posts which you mentioned. I'll say only that there's a reason why I don't ever actually spend any time in EYKIW or WTAHAN, or even a lot of the "big" band threads in here, and that it's a reason with which you are probably familiar. I don't know what it is, and maybe I'm even a bit confused or concerned about why it all bothers me so, but that sort of attitude (even toward my all-time favorite, non-The Beatles band) just.....ugh. It don't sit too well, that's all.
That said, NSW, I will be the dude who looks like he lived overseas and is flying solo, that night. You wanna holler at me (or at somebody who looks like me, which'd clearly be better/more hilarious), by all means go ahead. You sound like a straight shooter, more or less. You punch me in the face, though, and I'll get buck wild on your bitch ass. Make no mistake.
Oh. And if I could follow Los Campesinos! around the world, you'd better believe me that I would. Easily my favorite band in the world, right now. Ever since that second video was completed for "We Throw Parties, You Throw Knives"/"You! Me! Dancing!," something has just been clicking. It almost scares me how much I love and believe in this band. Gotta be a first-ever, for me--my top two records of the year by the same act! Crazy! Not even the almighty SFA can compete. Call me ignorant or stupid, but I'm happy.
Lastly, I'm nothing if not a straight shooter, just so you know. There's no time for bullshit in my life, be it on this site or in my real life.
Bought it today with the DVD and all for under $10 on the used rack. It wasn't used, but a promo copy never used.
The Chicago show is just over two days away, and my excitement is mounting. This'll somehow be the first time I've seen the band--they came to Tokyo, about 14 months ago, but their set was scheduled for 35 minutes (as a part of what was called "New Age British Invasion Super!" or something), and would've cost me over $60 USD; then, they played in Chiba (you can see the highway I lived off of, in the Beautiful DVD), like, a week after I left the country. Bastards. And bastardesses, or something.
But, yeah. I'm hella-jazzed. Who cares if I'm going alone? Cannot fucking wait. Gonna be so much motherfucking fun. Just listened to Sticking Fingers into Sockets and "Tweexcore," and I couldn't possibly be any more stoked. Additionally, this is beautiful:
"And I always get confused,
because in supermarkets, they turn the lights off when they want you to leave,
but in discos, they turn them on.
And it's always sad to go, but it's never that sad,
because there's only so many places you're guaranteed of getting a
hug, when you leave.
And then, on the way home, it always seems like a good idea to go
paddling in the fountain. And that's because it IS a good idea.
And we're just like how Rousseau depicts man in the state of nature:
we're undeveloped, we're ignorant, we're stupid.
But we're happy."
Gorgeous. God, I wish that I could feel this way about bands, art, film, people--you name it, really--more often. So rapturously perfect.
It's taken me a few days to sort of come down from the cloud I've been floating on since attending the Super Bowl, but now that I'm back to reality, I've been getting excited for the show on Saturday.
It's taken me a few days to sort of come down from the cloud I've been floating on since attending the Super Bowl, but now that I'm back to reality, I've been getting excited for the show on Saturday.
Sports, yes. Sports. When the Giants won the Superbowl, last year, I was in Japan. I'd called in sick, so that I could watch the game; it started at about 8:00, on a Monday morning. I had never been as invested in a game as I was in that one, and when the clock read ":00," I collapsed to the floor and wept tears of joy. It was miraculous. I have to admit that I probably don't feel as strongly about this band as I did about that game. Like, while I'll be overjoyed, I really don't see myself weeping, when they play "Sweet Dreams, Sweet Cheeks," or whatever.
If anything, I'll weep if/when they don't cover "Frontwards." Now that they're a "real" band, with two records, I doubt that they'll be cramming in anymore Pavement songs. Sucks, but here's hoping!
I still can't believe you went to the Super Bowl, man. That's beyond awesome.
Anyways, I'm still jealous you're both seeing them live, and really hope they end up adding more shows and come by my boring neck of the woods.