Looking for a Cheap and Good Digital Camcorder

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Oct 14, 2005
San Mateo
So I am looking for a good digital camcorder to take with me to Colombia and guatemala and for future use. my budget range is in between 300-600 dollars. Whats good about Mini DV's? could I transfer it onto a pc and edit the video. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a mini dv, dvd or Hard disk? I want something that will work well in low light or have night vision also. As my friends and I in the future are planning a youtube ghost hunter type series.

When it says it takes SD or Memory stick duo cards, can you put video on those too?
Reading reviews is a good way to become familiar about a product you know nothing at all. And this is what I always do. My favorite site to visit is dontspamyoursitehere.com where compilations of expert reviews can be found. The good thing I like about it is that I don't have to go from one website to another just for the purpose of looking for them because all are aggregated in one page already.
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