Let's Get HORIZONTAL w/ L, E, B, and A!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Gina Marie

Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jul 11, 2001
Bruce's land of hope and dreams
Ok, THAT too-but how about posting pics of them,uh, horizontal- OK, Bono is easy-but how bout the others?

Gee, he looks like he needs a lil' company here-any volunteers?

I'll volunteer.
*likes the thought of horizontal LEBA*

*goes off to search for horizontal pics*
Woo! Go Gina!!!!!!!


Horizontal Bono dances much better, after all

ok calm down, girls
let him rest

The only horizontal Edge I can think of is either
1. with Gina Marie somewhere he probably shouldn't be
2. in the stuck video. OR the elevation video. OR....

~*Mona*~ the Shamrock n' rolla
Bono Rep. of the Ambassadorship of the World for L.E.A.T.H.E.R.

"Joe Houdini!" ~Charlie Brown~

"What you don't have you don't need it now. What you don't know you can feel it somehow." -U2-
Ah, yes, this'll do..he's not quite 'fully horizontal' but I just imagine...

*drifts off into a hot fantasy over this pic*

And notice he's a lil' 'elevated ' too... OH MY

Originally posted by icelady:
What a challenge this is!
Well with a little nudge anyway

Who wants to have a cuddle
He's not quite horizontal....*rushes at Larry and tackles him*

~*Mona*~ the Shamrock n' rolla
Bono Rep. of the Ambassadorship of the World for L.E.A.T.H.E.R.

"Joe Houdini!" ~Charlie Brown~

"What you don't have you don't need it now. What you don't know you can feel it somehow." -U2-
Look, it's horizontal-elevated Bono. Excuse me while I pick my mind up out of the gutter.


[quote]Originally posted by Gina Marie:
[b]Ok, THAT too-but how about posting pics of them,uh, horizontal- OK, Bono is easy-but how bout the others?

Gee, he looks like he needs a lil' company here-any volunteers?

[img]http://www.u2photos.com/img-p/pf20010609u2/010609r4-33crp-u2.jpg [/b][/quote]

"Rock and roll doggie"

COuldn't resist, sorry....


Here's a real one of Bono horizontal.


"U2 on it?s own is a very interesting group and all. But U2 with it?s audience is a culture" - Bono

"Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast and Stockholm, YEAH! " ~ Bono in Stay, Sthlm 9th july 2001
Originally posted by MissZooropa:

COuldn't resist, sorry....


lol Bono defies gravity regularly....

~*Mona*~ the Shamrock n' rolla
Bono Rep. of the Ambassadorship of the World for L.E.A.T.H.E.R.

"Joe Houdini!" ~Charlie Brown~

"What you don't have you don't need it now. What you don't know you can feel it somehow." -U2-
Originally posted by WildHonee:
lol Bono defies gravity regularly....

He sure does, and we love him for that.

Actually I heard from ZooGrl that he had been elevated in Montreal as well, right infront of her eyes. She giggled like... LOL

"U2 on it?s own is a very interesting group and all. But U2 with it?s audience is a culture" - Bono

"Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast and Stockholm, YEAH! " ~ Bono in Stay, Sthlm 9th july 2001
Originally posted by MissZooropa:
He sure does, and we love him for that.

Actually I heard from ZooGrl that he had been elevated in Montreal as well, right infront of her eyes. She giggled like... LOL
right in front of her eyes, eh? We'll need to issue protective BonoGoggles. On the packaging: for use in case of extreme elevation

lol did she take pictures?!

~*Mona*~ the Shamrock n' rolla
Bono Rep. of the Ambassadorship of the World for L.E.A.T.H.E.R.

"Joe Houdini!" ~Charlie Brown~

"What you don't have you don't need it now. What you don't know you can feel it somehow." -U2-
Originally posted by WildHonee:
right in front of her eyes, eh? We'll need to issue protective BonoGoggles. On the packaging: for use in case of extreme elevation

lol did she take pictures?!

I don't think so, if it was in Montreal, not sure if it was there or Hamilton, she didn't take any and her Hamiltonpics doesn't reveal any elevation.

Is it magnifying glass in the goggles???

"U2 on it?s own is a very interesting group and all. But U2 with it?s audience is a culture" - Bono

"Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast and Stockholm, YEAH! " ~ Bono in Stay, Sthlm 9th july 2001
Ummm that's the best I could find of Edge, he's sorta kneeling, just give him a push


Bono is kinda lying down though
Well for you adam fans doesn't the booklet of pop have a pic of him lying down in a blue suit? Well just a thought.

Tha Prickly Comedian
OH! a good horizontal~ish pic of the Edge could be a picture taken from the Stuck video! anyone have anything like that?

only problem is that, though it would be a very convenient postion, it would also be quite an uncomfortable position...



"I'm just trying to find a decent melody
A song that I can sing in my own company"
that first blue picture of bono is sooooooooooooooooooo pretty..... *puddle*

*dance* with me, bono!!

gravity is a good thing.

Edge Shoes!!



"I'm just trying to find a decent melody
A song that I can sing in my own company"
moonphisto, get on IM!

~*Mona*~ the Shamrock n' rolla
Bono Rep. of the Ambassadorship of the World for L.E.A.T.H.E.R.

"Joe Houdini!" ~Charlie Brown~

"What you don't have you don't need it now. What you don't know you can feel it somehow." -U2-

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