Laney_82 said:Thats the one I have...there is another one....but u can bearly see a dog in there
hope this helps
I don't see the dog! I do but...MullenGirl said:Yeah, she's talking most probably about this one:
Bonochick said:I love that picture. What a cool looking dog!
Don't get me wrong, Larry's all right too.
tell us more!!!!joosten said:Hi everyone,about 2 years ago when i went to ireland and Larry's house there were 2 labradors in his backgarden. One was a dark brown labrador and the other one was a beige labrador.
joosten said:Hi everyone,about 2 years ago when i went to ireland and Larry's house there were 2 labradors in his backgarden. One was a dark brown labrador and the other one was a beige labrador.
joosten said:So you wanne hear more, Well i'm a u2 and Larryfan since 1983,Went several times to Ireland and to the guys houses.Exept Adam's house because i have no adress,But anyway here's a little story from my last visit to Larry's house.I saw his kids playing on the beach, they came out with i think their nanny who kept a verry close eye on me and my husband.Then suddenly i was looking in the direction of Larry's house and saw a verry familiar blond guy looking over a fence from a distance, probably making sure his kids were alright. But before i knew it he was already gone ,but i mean I SAW LARRY. My day was just perfect from that moment on[by the way i took no pictures of his kids i respect Larry's privacy] By the way Elvis looks just like his dad
joosten said:So you wanne hear more, Well i'm a u2 and Larryfan since 1983,Went several times to Ireland and to the guys houses.Exept Adam's house because i have no adress,But anyway here's a little story from my last visit to Larry's house.I saw his kids playing on the beach, they came out with i think their nanny who kept a verry close eye on me and my husband.Then suddenly i was looking in the direction of Larry's house and saw a verry familiar blond guy looking over a fence from a distance, probably making sure his kids were alright. But before i knew it he was already gone ,but i mean I SAW LARRY. My day was just perfect from that moment on[by the way i took no pictures of his kids i respect Larry's privacy] By the way Elvis looks just like his dad
joosten said:I hope i'm welcome here at pleba./B]
joosten said:Sorry, Gracelandharley if i hurt your'e feelings and thanks for defending me. I hope i'm welcome here at pleba.And Sister Moon i do believe its Anne in that picture.
GracelandHarley said:I didn't mean you, joosten!!
My comment was directed at Infinitum (who is a guy, by the way), whose response to your story was quite rude, IMO.
I believe your story, and thanks for sharing it!
joosten said:Sorry, Gracelandharley if i hurt your'e feelings and thanks for defending me. I hope i'm welcome here at pleba.And Sister Moon i do believe its Anne in that picture.
Infinitum98 said:
My comment wasn't meant to be rude. I wasn't trying to "prove" joosten wrong. I simply thought that joosten was kidding around playfully because of all the 's. But now I realize that joosten is serious so I believe he said.
joosten said:Thanks for all off your'e warm welcome's,can anyone tell me how to post pictures.[sorry i'm not that good with my computer]