i've pulled my knee

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Mar 19, 2006
well I made the stupid mistake of playing a really intense football (european) match for the first time in 6 months and i pulled my knee...it feels like i've been stabbed
Ice it
Take a ton of Ibprofen
And use some Icy Hot patches or cream at night

if you use the cream, make sure it stays around the knee. If it goes anywhere north, you're going to feel more pain.
thanks...its still really swelled, and i slept with icy hot last night, i'm having a consultation with a doctor today, hopefully its not surgery :uhoh:
Use real ice - just be careful to check it often to make sure you don't give yourself frostbite, and keep the leg in a straightened position while it's on there. Also keep it elevated on a pillow or two whenever you can :nerd:

*fingers crossed for not needing surgery* :yes:
well...surgery thankfully won't be neccesary, but i'm on crutches, can't do pretty much any physical activity at the moment, the painkillers are making me kinda drowsy but thats ok, and i should get another status report in a couple of weeks, just thankful for no surgery right now :)
A profound statement coming...........wait for it.............here it is...........

From first hand experience:
Knee injuries SUCK!

Hope you heal without having to have surgery. Ice and elevate, ice and elevate.
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