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Laura M

Blue Crack Addict
Jun 6, 2002
I did STUDYING tonight....yes a whole 3.5 hours baby

For my big exams in May/ June

Im scared but like I didnt revise the other years and got A*'s so I should be great.....uhm.....I hope :slant:

I brained my mum with the hairdryer and stood on her foot drying her hair but its pretty!!! She has appointed me "Official Hairdresser"

I was going to say something else......but I forget......:wave:
months away baby

ooooooooh yeh my dad met a spaniard @ work today who will let me talk in Spanish to her!
Good luck on the exams BV


Sorry I'm late

No, don't bother apologizing. I'm sorry you're alive

Oh good, I see the target is ready..~(picks up bow)~..I'd like to see the Spaniard who could make his way past me

Well, go to Spain. There are millions of them

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