It's Officially# My "Apartmentwarming" Party

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
:wave: hi LMPA

lmpa looks a lot like oompa loompa :uhoh:

hi larrymullenspopangel :wave:

*mentally pours hot coffee all over the new apartment to warm it*
Don't get too tired'll need all your strength for your visit to Canuckia in 4 days!!! :D :wave:
yes, you're right.

perhaps i should have drank the coffee in order to fill my bladder, rather than taking the most direct approach.
DrTeeth said:
Are you moving into the White House? Can I come over? :sexywink:

Hehe, of course. :flirt:

Don't get too tired'll need all your strength for your visit to Canuckia in 4 days!!!

Oh, no worries, Char... I plan on being well rested for sure! :D

Your room was so cool though.

Kat, my bathroom kicks ass as will my room. I'll post a picture of them both as soon as I get them set up. :yes:

That's so exciting! Are you having a roomate or do you have the place all to yourself?

No roomie, just me and Mia! :love:

i would bring you a plant if i knew where you lived

what kind of plant we talking 'bout, beegee? :sexywink: :D
Wow I'm out of touch.

Congrats on a place of your own, April!

So apartmentwarming...what exactly do you mean? :flirt: :sexywink:

good ole times....:D
I can't wait to see the new place--I'll know you'll love it (and that it will be really fab--you are a great decorator!).

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