It's Official #paper cut

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An Angel In Devil's Shoes
Jan 17, 2001
paper cuts officially hurt :sad:

I got one today (between my pointer finger and middle finger...a place where it's hard to put a band bled a little)

Have you ever had a cardboard cut? Like a papercut only bigger...they sometimes hurt worse than a papercut.

I actually remember my first papercut. I was in kindygarden and coloring and got one on the paper I was coloring on. I didn't know what happened, because just all of a sudden my finger starting hurting really bad. So I kinda freaked and cried and my teacher told me it was okay.

Geez, that sounds like the opening sequence for "Carrie" :uhoh: Well at least the other kids didn't start throwing construction paper at me.
One time, I sliced my finger open on the edge of my plastic bled for over an hour. I was afraid I was going to have to get stitches. :uhoh:
no no no sorrys! :hug:

Paper cuts are a big deal!! :yes:

I think I have a hangnail. :mad: *gets out camera

Sicy, I was going to draw a picture of you in Paint, but it didn't go very well...

Bonochick said:
Are you going to take a picture of it and post it here?


I actually hadn't planned on it till you mentioned it...unfortunately my digital camera won't pick up something that small, but I drew this pic, just for you BC! :laugh:


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Sickest thing: My ex-boyfriend got a paper cut in his EYE BALL. No shit.
He was a bagger at a grocery store and was carrying some ladies bags out for her. He turned his head quickly and the paper bag edge cut his eye. He had a patch for two weeks.

Dumbass loser.
if you put tape or superglue on a paper cut it will usually stop hurting because it's the air that makes it sting so bad. I know it sounds kinda crazy, but it works.
ILuvLarryMullen said:
if you put tape or superglue on a paper cut it will usually stop hurting because it's the air that makes it sting so bad. I know it sounds kinda crazy, but it works.

silly me :banghead: I just put a band aid on it :cute: :sexywink:
You know those paper fastners where you prong those two holes on top of the paper files...

I got cut twice this past year by those... they make you bleed worse than a kitchen knife... I swear, you could slit throats with those.
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