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ONE love, blood, life
Jul 6, 2000
Milton style!!!!

ummm....but last time...the cake ran out and I didn't get a piece..and..daa...
oh....the person to cake ratio is not very good...

I used to have my desk by the dum...I could watch the squirrels playing and they were merry
One time, in my 7th grade science class, my teacher Mr. Ranzinger was being really boring, so I zoned out and was lookin' out the window. I saw a squirrel running around, so I named him Sammy and watched him.

I watched him run around on the grass.

I watched him run up and down trees.

I watched him run into the road...and get run over by a truck...

that's the saddest story I've ever heard

just kidding....

Your mother told me the saddest story ever, Kirk.

She stills feel guilty that she and your father were the authors...
So are you sure that the squirrels were merry? I thought he was saying they were married :scratch:

"I was told that I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume....."
I thought married at first

but I've since been persuaded otherwise

married is funnier though!
I asked for a mai tai, and they brought me a pina colada, and I said no salt, NO salt on the margarita, but it had salt on it, big grains of salt, floating in the glass...
hey! soooooo...what's happening
tell you what...I'm gonna go ahead and get you to move down in the storage....that would be grrrreat....
I admit it, I'm a Michael Bolton fan! I celebrate the guy's entire collection! For my money it doesn't get any better than when he sings "When a Man Loves a Woman"!
"I'm Vato!" :hyper:
"I'm Blood!" :macdevil:

:hyper: :macdevil:
"We just some couple of mu-thuh-fuckers
Out to have some fun
End up eatin' some fast food you know
Will taste like shit, chunks we'll blow"

and now all the good quotes are taken. :sad:

Looks like somebodys got a case of the mondays!!! bah i've got nothin. :down:

*throws self to the wolverines*
I do however regularly use the insult "no talent ass clown."

anybody whos EVER worked for a corporation to ANY extent will find this movie absolutely HILARIOUS. Its in my top 3 faves.
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