It's Official # I need your help

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Elvis' Naughty Angel
Jan 10, 2001
not here
Ok. So here is the situation. As many of you already know, I am trying desperately to move to Montreal. I have many reasons for wanting to be there, some personal, some professional.
I just recently completed a program in Public Relations at my local University. I did quite well too, I believe finishing with an A average. :D
Anyway... not only will this adventure be a change of locations for me, but also a change of career. I have been in the financial industry for 5 years now... :crack:
So... I have been applying to jobs like mad and sending out resumes. It's only been a week, but I am already feeling discouraged.
So where do you guys fit in, you ask?
Well... we have a very colourful board here with people from all walks of life and jobs. I would love to hear any advice or suggestions that you may have.
Surely some of you work in the industry, or have relocated, or have changed careers in your late twenties. (God late twenties sounds so horrible :scream:)
Resume help even may be an option. I dunno! *Tears hair out!
French speakers!!! :der: People who live in Montreal!!! Anyone!! People familiar with the area, local companies even... It's a long shot I know, but I can use all the help and support I can get.

I'd be willing to send U2 boots to anyone that helps me! lol

:wave: I am feeling really desperate here and am trying really hard to keep faith.

Ok. [/ plea]
Tu ne parles pas francais mais tu va au Montreal?!

I kid...I kid..

Relocation is difficult, though you are a couple of years older than me so I'm sure that my experience is a bit different than yours. But the key to relocation is to get to know everybody. HOW?! Get involved with tons of stuff. Find clubs and places that pertain to either your hobbies, or something to do with your chosen new profession (it's secret networking :p ), the people you meet will help you feel more accepted in your new surroundings, they'll help you get to feeling like more of a "local" and, like I said before, it's a good way to secretly network.

Umm, as for moving to Montreal not speaking French, I'd be more than willing to help you learn a few basics in'll probably make you more appealing as a candidate for a job if you're trying to learn it - or can speak and write it. So yea, PM me if you're interested in that. :D

C'est tout ma chere!
I went to Montreal when I was in the 8th grade. So I am not much help in terms of the location.

You shouldn't feel discouraged after a week.

keep sending out those resumes and follow up letters. Make sure on your resume that you focus on PR related aspects of your current last job, even though it was not a PR job. Worded the right way, you can make any job look wonderful. Believe me I was able to make my college job at McD's look that takes some major BSing

You said you have friends out that way...ask them if they will keep their eyes and ears open for job opportunities for you.
Thx Lilly! I guess I left out a pertinent point--> I *do* speak french, but not fluently! I studied it all my life throughout school living in Canada. I then did two years at University (but many years ago). I am currently studying with a private tutor so I am working on it! That seems to be the big barrier at the moment.
As for joining all those clubs etc.. that sounds like a great idea once I am there; however I am very reluctant to move without a job.

Would you guys move without a job??? :huh:
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yes, good advice daisybean, re. the current job resume thing. I will have to see what I have written about that. I have geared my resume in a very PR oriented way highlighting my PR skills etc...

Oh and Lilly, I don't have PM's at the mo... still not a subscriber, but you could always email me if you feel like it and we could correspond en francais. :)
une copine qui parle francais?!! :drool:

expecte-toi un grand email :lewinksexay:

I would move without having a job. BUT, I probably wouldn't do it in Canada, only because of the difficulty in finding a good job there. BUT if I knew I was qualified and I had enough savings, I would go and see what I could get. But I'm adventurous like that.

I think that one great adventure is good ever once in a while, if there were enough entries in the "pro" column, I'd go for it.

But, like Daisy said, don't get discouraged after just one week, wait a while and see how things go, then make your final decision. :)
Tu parles le francais en courant? :| wow

Tu seras gentille avec moi, non? :)
euh, je suppose. et oui, je le parle en courant. je suis <<fluent>> par mon universite, mais je ne suis pas sure que c'est vrai exactement. ca m'est egale, parce que cette semestre, je vais recevoir 22 credits pour juste un cours du francais. :hyper: le woo!
:lmao: le woo! :D

I just came back from my french tutor and I am feeling better. BUT!! Advice / suggestions still wanted.
MissVelvetDress_75 said:
have you contacted any professional executive placement agencies? do you have a headhunter helping you with the job search?
No. I don't even know where to start in that regard. There are so many out there and I haven't a clue what it involves. Anyone? :crack:
:D You rock!!!! Thank-you thank-you thank-you. I am going to bed now too and will start the search in the morning!

:ohmy: I was looking for a clapping smilie and looky here!! lol A tooth-brushing smilie!!! -->
I love it!!!!
My advice to you is similar to the advice I give those who ask me if their outfits look good. To them I say - "wear it like you own it." And to you Angel, I say "walk into interviews like the job is yours."/ "live in montreal like you own the place."
In my experience self assurence is key. I myself have managed to pull of some pretty rnadom moves and strange situations armed with nothing but a back pack and a smile. I will soon be doing this again in my much anticpated tokyo move.
Anyway hon, the basic advice I can give you is that you will be fine if you just throw yourself headlong into the situation. Once you are there you will automaticlaly do what has to be done in order to make everything happen.
I have faith in you on this one.
Ok. I don't know about these job-placement agencies. I don't think I am qualified enough for one to work on my behalf you know? :crack:

Thx notiti for your kind words!! I guess my biggest problem is that I am not in Montreal yet... that's the hard thing, and I don't know if I should take the chance to go without a job... IT's just that finding a job while so far away could prove to be really difficult.
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