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I wish a cute fireman would tell me that. :mad:

P.S. Why are firemen and EMT's always so cute?
I saw this thread title and thought, "When did I post this?" :scratch: :wink:

They are always cute, aren't they? It must be a job requirement.
I saw this thread title and thought, "When did I post this?" :scratch: :wink:

They are always cute, aren't they? It must be a job requirement.

:lol: I saw your name as the person who posted last and I reckoned you started it.

:hmm: Yea, wanted one fireman. Must have a great body and cute smile.
My brother in law's a fireman and you wouldn't want him to tell you that! :huh:

welcome Debbie Downer to the thread!

Damn you people....PLEBA isn't enough? :madwife:

O.K. - back to Jcoster's point...this guy is OBVIOUSLY U.G.L.Y.!


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