It's Official# hhhmmmm

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Rock n' Roll Doggie, FOB
Feb 2, 2002
Born under a bad sign with a blue moon in your eye
I think I'm going to go shopping today....I have about 6 hours till the stores open...

I may go to Target and get some cd's

I don't need any new clothes, but I could use a new pair of shoes.

I feel like spending money today

money that I don't really have, but that's besides the point
I wanna go shopping, but I'm too poor. My friend and I are going out to dinner tonight though, and he's bought me dinner like the last zillion times in a row, so I'm planning on buying tonight.

Earlier, I lit some candles and went to turn on my lava lamp, and my pajama sleeve dangled into the candle flame, and I burnt my shirt. :der:

My lava lamp is going quite nicely though, as is my glitter lamp...they are both blue...and my walls are Interference blue...oh yes...everything is blue now...

Except for the burn hole in my sleeve. :shifty:
I :heart: Lavendar candles! yum!!

:silent: I get sleepy when I'm high. And I don't think having been high is anything to be embarrassed about :silent:

I'm going to buy a cd today, I do believe
or two

I'm thinking Wilco
I need to take a shower and get my butt moving....however it's kinda crappy outside.....and I really don't want to drive 45 minutes to the mall and end up not getting anything...

I have a tendancy to go out wanting to buy things and then talk myself out of it....and I usually just end up wasting gas.
:drool: Illuminations Candles :drool:

I need to get more. I love them. They make my whole apt smell pretty. :heart:
I already knew you were out to lunch!!!

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