I have met Bono, Larry, and Edge
I know Chewbacca
I saw Tom Hanks in Central Park in New York one time...my mom took a picture with me in the foreground and him in the background...Annie Leibovitz was photographing him for Vanity Fair magazine...I was standing 5 feet away from her
One time we were in a restaruant in NYC visiting my brother, and the guy that played Harry Bently, the English neighbor on The Jeffersons was at the table next to ours
Another time in NYC we were at a play that Sarah Jessica Parker was in, and after the play we were standing in the back of the theater and Matthew Broderick walked right by us. While he was standing in the back of the theater, just feet away from us, we were all straight faced as possible, not trying to act all
that he was there...My mom was holding a pie that my sister in law had given her before the show (we were there for Thanksgiving)...it was wrapped in a plastic bag and you couldn't tell what it was...Matthew Broderick looked over at my mom with this confusled look as he walked by us and after he left we all started laughing and said "he eyed the pie"
I guess you had to have been there
I've met lots of Star Wars, Star Trek and Sci Fi celebrities cuz I go to Sci Fi conventions all the time...incuding Majel Barret Rodenberry, Ray Park, Carrie Fisher, and others...too many to list here
I've also met They Might Be Giants, The Sundays, lots of other musicians too, that I can't remember all of them right now...
also when I was in High School, one year we went to LA for vacation, and it happened to be when they had the Academy Awards...we got to sit on the bleachers and watch the celebrities leave...saw Tom Hanks, Liz Taylor, Sigorney Weaver, Telly Sevalas, lots of others...
and not so famous 'celebrities'...from the David Leterman Show I met the guy Rupert from the Hello Deli, and Mujibar and Surajul...whatever their names were from (a long time ago they used to be on the show all the time like Rupert is now) they owned a shop down the street from Dave
I'll have to look for my photos...I don't have them scanned in...I'm not even sure where they all are