It's Official #1612

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I saw daafish on my old campus once.

But I can't say what I thought or Sicy will cha cha my face again...:uhoh:
i WISH drteeth was tom brokaw!! :love:

no, on the way to French i saw someone who looked exACTly like him (satanic).

Ali Rose said:
thats NOTHIN.

ryan adams was working out at my gym one day last month.


I am still angry that you didn't knock him unconscious and Fed Ex him to me.

:| :| :| :|


Bonochick said:
There's nothing my love can't fix for ya, baby.


at least it's cool to say i met mike o'malley again since he's on eyesdar. i watchg that show ironically.

i'm cracking up over my topos and they're too finny to fix!@! i guess this is what happens when you type in the dark on two hours slkeep when you could be teeling a little tipsty...
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