It's Official#1610

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie, FOB
Feb 2, 2002
Born under a bad sign with a blue moon in your eye
google search gave me this for 1610

It has not been dead.

You guys just post in the middle of the night :tongue:
I still wanna be asleep too but I have to get ready for work in an hour :|
I need a new sig :scratch:

I still haven't done the Larry drawing yet or I'd use my drawings for my sig :silent:
Just stick bono there for now or something.

Anything is better than Happy New Year :p
daisybean said:
I was flicking through the stations and home improvement was on and it reminded me of BC.


I love that show.

Nothin' sexier than Tim Allen grunting and working with tools!!!!! :drool:
dizzy said:
SF, I :heart: your avatar. Is that really :larry:???


Isntthat David Bowie

OMG I love him in the snowman and and I love the Lauhging Gnome heehee

edit- i didnt see the 2nd page duh
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