It's a Beautiful Day, I wish it would go away

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War Child
Sep 2, 2000
Half a mile from what she said...
Just picked up the new Spin.

There's a quote from Larry about September 11 and BD and he was saying how it was a beautiful day before the planes started crashing.

That song will never sound the same to me, because I was listening to that song on the way to school. It was a bright sunny day. Really beautiful. I think it was the second week of school. I was full of energy, glad to be in grad school, loving life for what it was. Everything was on track.

Went to class. We took a break halfway through class, and when the break was over, our professor came in and told us the news. It was probably 10 o'clock or so. We talked about it for a few minutes, and then he let us go.

I walked outside to my car. Everything was quiet. People had pulled their cars over to the side of the road to listen to the news reports on the radio. I went back to my apartment. The mom of the family who lives in the house with me came out to ask me if I had heard. We talked about it, and then I went inside and sat in front of the TV the rest of the day.

When U2 played BD at Providence, it was so different. I had tears in my eyes. I cried during this song at every show. It used to be becuase the song reminded me of my father, and all the struggles my family is going through with him having Alzheimers. Now I was crying because of what this song reminds me of. September 11, and how my world has changed. How our world has changed.

It was a beautiful day. I can't let that get away....

Sorry for the morbid post. Just been thinking about it.
I'm very sorry popkid

but really, every day can be a beautiful one

Shake it, shake it, shake it
sympathies go out to you popkid.

your story is an illustration of just how U2's music tends to work it's way into the lives of their fans. as events unfold for us the meanings transform but always remember that, as salome said, any day can be beautiful.

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