ISO: Cardiff show from 29/6/05

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Heartland Kid

The Fly
Nov 8, 2004
Cleethorpes, UK
I would really like to get hold of a copy of this show folks I was there and it was fantastic!

I'm on a dial up connection so I cant download the show. If anyone could hook me up then I can trade (got some good springsteen/marah/ryan adams boots) or B&P.

If anyone can PLEASE help, my email is

I have this show on CD. Just the audio, not DVD. I can fire it your way. It a 2 CD set. It's pretty good quality too!! Makes me wish I was there...
Im desperately trying to find this show for a friend visiting america who was at cardiff, and think it would be a nice going away gift. Can anyone send me this? my sn is joe8pizza and my email is

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