I think TRAVIS is the band that carries the freshness, required to become the giants of business.By that I mean mainstream,I mean they seem ok with popularity and all and have that U2ish attitude of taking their records to their audience (kind of thing).Plus they dont mind the chart success as well.I am sure they'll soon learn to pay the price for that.
Now coming back to the musical side.Without a doubt, Fran Healy has one of the greatest voices on the scene.In my books, its second only to Bono.The band has this unique ability to add extra bite in their live set.So they have the DNA per se.
I think all they need to do is take 30-40% more risk than they are taking now.I mean on their last album the first 6 songs are aweosme, but then the album becomes a bit too predictible.Y'know all the songs have almost same tempo and quite similar melody lines.They need to make things more diverse as on the last part of the "The Man Who".
But all said and done, its a long way to go and I hope they go the long way.
"for the love you bring, wont mean a thing, unless you Sing,Sing,Sing...Sing"
BTW my fave is Turn.
In this Ozland
[This message has been edited by ishkash (edited 03-18-2002).]