Is this just my imagination.....???

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It's cause he hates his job. He'd rather be a clerk at a seven-eleven.

"I'm gonna start a day care!"-Bono
He smiles when he feels like smiling, that means his smiles are authentic! I love his smile in Sydney I think it's during Streets......very cool. Larry once said something like "I wonder when poeple look at me when I'm not playing my drums. DO I look bored"? Or something like that it was funny.
here ya go...
when larry came out to sign autographs after one of the MSG shows last week, someone asked him "Larry, do you ever smile?" He said, point blank, "No." (i wasn't there, but my friend told me it was really funny.)

LMAO bonochick!
that website is hilarious!!
too bad it's "right-click disabled"
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