Irish Contemporary Fiction

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Feb 8, 2001
on a country road...
Can anyone reccommend any good books? I'm hoping to go to Dublin this summer so I would like to do everything I can right now to emmerse myself in their culture. And, since I like to read, I figured that was a good place to start. :wink:
I remember reading some Roddy Doyle and Colum McCann. McCann wrote a good book about an american/irish story but cant remember it. I read Doyle's A star called henry and couldnt really get into it but i hear his other works are great. Ive heard of Seamus Deane but haven't read anything.

There are still a lot of contemporary works that deal with historical issues (eg Frank McCourt - Angelas Ashes). You could also try Ardal O'Hanlon (the comedian from Fr Ted). Or even go to the contemporary irish diaspora, such as Thomas Keneally.

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