Ipod back into computer????

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Oct 11, 2006
Let's hug it out, bitch.
Okay, so the dilema im having today is that I really want to put music that I have on my ipod into another itunes. Usually you can only put songs from itunes into the ipod, but I want to reverse it and put the ipod into itunes, but itunes wont allow me to do that..I know there is some kind of application out there for me to do that, but can someone help me find out what it is called or the website to do it on???

Thanks so much :)
do a search for a program called idump. It's an awesome simple to use program.
I had to do this once after a hard drive failure. I used a software program called iGadget.

There are also ways you can do this without software, if you're careful. Search the Internet and Apple's iPod forums for directions.

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