IO: I graduated!

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War Child
Apr 2, 2003
Sarajevo, Bosnia
Yesterday I found out the results of my master thesis. I am now a Master of Letters. It does sound weird, but that's one of the classifications used by the oldest University in Scotland for masters programs.

So relieved!
edurban said:

Good good!
BTW, what was your Master of Letters on, and where did you attend?

M.Litt. in International Security Studies, University of St Andrews, Scotland. It was one year program, actually two years crammed into one. So intense, I only saw the part of Scotland between Edinburgh and St Andrews (on the way to the airport and back :) ).
I have to go back to check out the rest of the country.

Where are you doing your PhD?
Remember, you do your PhD and it will suck you in and you'll never be finished....NEVER! There will always be another degree you can get. Trust me, I know of which I speak.

Best wishes on your degree by the way!!

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