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be happy you did not have to suffer through GlasVegas! :mad:
Been there, done that. :sad: And personally, Glasvegas had at least the amusement of Drummer Nanny. It was less boring. Then again during Interpol I could sleep, so guess that's a plus.

I LOL'd.

Then I realized I really wasn't gettin a pick. :|

This is the first U2 tour that I actually have no keepsakes to take the great memories.

I know, cry for me :sad: :sad:


:shifty: *hides pick she got from Gabe's view*

Thanks for clearing that up for us!

Guys: Anyone who saw Interpol multiple times and disliked them each time is quite clearly insane.


Saw them five times. Got bored each time. I hate it when people said it, but in this case each Interpol show DID seem like the exact same concert. I'll hand in my U2/Interference fancard now and go to the mental hospital right away.
Thanks for clearing that up for us!

Guys: Anyone who saw Interpol multiple times and disliked them each time is quite clearly insane.


But you guys are at the opposite end of that spectrum. Could it be possible that they dont suck and are not just your thing?
Whatever your thoughts are, I think we can all agree on this:

Seeing the crowd reaction, I don't think we are in the minority!

To each their own. :up:
I'll make sure to make up for the unenthused crowd in Minneapolis.

I'll be the crazy person up in the stands jumping around and yelling like it was the first time I was hearing Zooropa in concert. :wink:
Seeing the crowd reaction, I don't think we are in the minority!

To each their own. :up:

Ya, but the majority of a U2 crowd doesn't strike me as being particularly musically adventurous. I don't take their lack of interest as being indicative of much. You could have actually had Joy Division on stage and you'd get the same response
But you guys are at the opposite end of that spectrum. Could it be possible that they dont suck and are not just your thing?

I was actually playing a bit on your previous response to the other person ie "thanks for..." :wink:

I think the huge difference is that I've never said "they suck, I can't fathom how anyone else thinks differently and anyone who thinks they're good is insane, has no musical taste, is narrow minded (etc) (etc)"...but for some reason, the people that like them are taking it up a notch and gettin all emotional about it...

I think that's why I can't stop posting! :lol:
Saw Interpol at last night's show and I think they did get monotonous after a while but I did enjoy a few songs. Oh and they DID play Obstacle 1!:drool::hyper: I started freaking out and I was standing beside Interference user LuckyNumber7 who got video of it. There wasn't a huge reaction from the crowd. Although some of the people around me in the inner circle were jumping and bopping their heads along. A lot of us got pissed that Interpol wouldn't go on and get their shit over with.
I was actually playing a bit on your previous response to the other person ie "thanks for..." :wink:

I think the huge difference is that I've never said "they suck, I can't fathom how anyone else thinks differently and anyone who thinks they're good is insane"...but for some reason, the people that like them are taking it up a notch and gettin all emotional about it...

I think that's why I can't stop posting! :lol:

Yeah I can't figure out where exactly I said they suck either. I do remember saying that their set sounded like one song and the singer sounds monotonous and has no stage presence... but that's just my opinion, nowhere do I state they suck. :shrug: I know people who like them. They can go ahead and do so, but this thread is for opinions on interpol right? So why shouldn't I post mine?
I was actually playing a bit on your previous response to the other person ie "thanks for..." :wink:

I think the huge difference is that I've never said "they suck, I can't fathom how anyone else thinks differently and anyone who thinks they're good is insane"...but for some reason, the people that like them are taking it up a notch and gettin all emotional about it...

I think that's why I can't stop posting! :lol:

ya, I kinda figured that :)

fair enough. I guess the people who like them are getting all uppity because a band that they (ok, I ;) ) genuinely like is being shit all over. I would think had it been a different band's forum and U2 were the recipients, the vast majority of the shitters in this thread would respond in the same way the shitees are. Probably even more so, since we know what U2 fans can be like.

At least you have an excuse for constantly posting in here. I don't know why I keep doing it :sad:
Well Cobbler bitches about Muse all over the forums too, yet you don't see me jump all over it. :shrug: I know the rap shite he listens to, so might as well not bother. :wink:
this thread is for opinions on interpol right?

Wrong, it's about Interpol opening for U2.

There's a thread about Interpol in general that their fans are posting in, and I'm leaving it completely alone..firstly, cause I rarely post over there anyways, and secondly because I'm not someone who listened to them or liked or hated them previously, I only listened to them because of two reasons: opening for U2, and because I think they're on Rock Band 2 or something, I forget but I recall playing an Interpol song one Christmas...

...after all the other decent songs had been played to death!


LOL...and NOW I crossed that line, right? :wink:
Well Cobbler bitches about Muse all over the forums too, yet you don't see me jump all over it. :shrug: I know the rap shite he listens to, so might as well not bother. :wink:

But for a while, this seemed like a thread dedicated to it. Again, I agree, I don't know why I'm posting about it anymore.......I dont know
But for a while, this seemed like a thread dedicated to it. Again, I agree, I don't know why I'm posting about it anymore.......I dont know
Perhaps it should be posted in Bang & Clatter then, I think the people in there are more interested there. Here it's just people going for U2 shows that may or may not like the opener..

To each their own I guess.
That's not even opinion. That right there is fact

Funny thing, my dislike for Muse...

Someone posted a video of theirs during THEIR opening set for U2...I can't remember who..was it in this thread?

And I shit you not, if I had been there and seen them perform that song, I would've given them mad props. :rockon:

I still wouldn't listen to them on my own time, but I can definitely appreciate a good live performance :yes:
I know it's been said before, but it seems like Interpol's sound quality was pretty mediocre - not just in contrast to U2 but also other opening bands. In the middle of their set, my uncle leaned over and asked, "Is U2's sound going to be like that?"
I know it's been said before, but it seems like Interpol's sound quality was pretty mediocre - not just in contrast to U2 but also other opening bands. In the middle of their set, my uncle leaned over and asked, "Is U2's sound going to be like that?"

Maybe their mixer guy sucked? It's very possible. Maybe he's tone deaf or something from listening without earplugs in smaller venues. ;)
Funny thing, my dislike for Muse...

Someone posted a video of theirs during THEIR opening set for U2...I can't remember who..was it in this thread?

And I shit you not, if I had been there and seen them perform that song, I would've given them mad props. :rockon:

I still wouldn't listen to them on my own time, but I can definitely appreciate a good live performance :yes:

They are WAY better live than in studio, just one of those bands that lives live. Which song btw? I'd guess New Born, Time is Running out, Knights of Cydonia or Plug in Baby? Those are pretty much their Streets, SBS, One and UTEOTW.
Ok thats hurting my eyes!! :bleed:

Ingrid I think it was Uprising...mind you, it sounds alot like the rhythm from Personal Jesus, so that's likely why I thought it cool. I've heard Knights Of The Fucking Round Table or whatever and good lord that's awful music lmao
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