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For the record, Gabe was the only one pissing me off. But he always pisses me off, so I'm not sure how much this relates to Interpol. :)
For the record, I don't owe it to any band to give them a shot. idgaf if they are trying to make it in the business. I paid to see U2. If I didn't have GA I would have shown up after they were done.

Fans tend to put a lot into these shows, monetarily, time-wise, etc. In addition to ticket costs, people pay for flights, hotels and transportation. Many people in GA have waited all day to get in, sometimes in inclement weather.

I think that when they're greeted with what they perceive as sub-par entertainment, they have every right to voice their opinion.
Oddly enough, this thread has somehow managed to make me interested in giving this band another shot :lol: I guess we'll see how St. Louis goes.
Oddly enough, this thread has somehow managed to make me interested in giving this band another shot :lol: I guess we'll see how St. Louis goes.

They're actually a pretty good studio band. "Turn on the Bright Lights" was one of my favourite albums of 2002. I find their music is best enjoyed with a set of headphones. Case in point, Hands Away: ‪Interpol-Hands Away‬‏ - YouTube. Awesome, beautiful build-up of sound.

This sort of stuff just doesn't work all that well in a stadium setting, unfortunately...
This sort of stuff just doesn't work all that well in a stadium setting, unfortunately...
That's pretty much what my brother had to say after seeing them open in TO. He's a huge fan and has seen them multiple times on their own. I also thought the singer looked nervous, especially watching him make his way up the steps in Montreal. He let out a long breath like he was pysching himself up.

Regardless, I downloaded a couple of their albums after the Chicago show and listened to them all the way to Montreal. I really enjoyed the next three shows after familiarizing myself with their music. They've got some really brilliant material under their belts.
They're actually a pretty good studio band. "Turn on the Bright Lights" was one of my favourite albums of 2002. I find their music is best enjoyed with a set of headphones. Case in point, Hands Away: ‪Interpol-Hands Away‬‏ - YouTube. Awesome, beautiful build-up of sound.

This sort of stuff just doesn't work all that well in a stadium setting, unfortunately...

I posted the very same song in another thread. Glad to know I'm not the only one who considers it especially beautiful. Shit, it just keeps building; always a sign of a well-arranged song when it keeps dragging you in and won't let go.
I actually liked their music. Their singer has a great voice and there are some great guitar licks and drum beats in their songs. I think I'll listen to some of their stuff. They played well in Toronto on Monday.
Imagine my chagrin when - who was it...Rocco maybe (I forget) - pulled a hair grooming device out of his fanny pack in response to my request for a......pick??
:mad: :lol:
The purple afro pick! :laugh: That was brilliant.
I actually liked their music. Their singer has a great voice and there are some great guitar licks and drum beats in their songs. I think I'll listen to some of their stuff. They played well in Toronto on Monday.
:up: Glad to see some people are giving them a chance.
I LOL'd.

Then I realized I really wasn't gettin a pick. :|

This is the first U2 tour that I actually have no keepsakes to take the great memories.

I know, cry for me :sad: :sad:

Aww. :hug: You got to stand behind me all night, that's quite the priviledge.
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