Interpol Canadian Tour

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Mr. MIKEphisto

The Fly
Jul 25, 2000
In case you people didn't already know, Interpol announced a canadian tour yesterday.

tickets are onsale for most shows, as I speak, and can be found at

Now... the only real issue is for Ottawa people... the show isn't on


after some research, I found out that you can call ticketmaster, and get them on the phone!! (I already have my tickets bought over the phone)

good luck!
Typical, nothing in Atlantic Canada.

Why do all the bands I like think that nothing exists further east of Ontario and Quebec?
And (apparently) the new record is called "The Saboteur."

A bit of trivia for you.
everything i've heard by them live is flat out brutal. and i'm usually pretty generous.

great band on record, but for some reason i just don't like their live performance.
I saw Interpol in Montreal, and they were excellent Live. Not Brutal, but very crisp and tight.

Everything is east of Quebec!! the best province is there... Newfoundland!
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