i'm stuck in a moment!! help!!!

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Oct 15, 2002
Balbriggan, North Co Dublin, Ireland
i need some help!!! i feel so bad....I just want to lock myself in a closet, and cry...:sad:

i just learnt that my best friend won't spend the new year's eve with me and my friends in ?ze (we have planned this since last december) but she will go with her boyfriend in britanny...

i think i am losing her, cause i moved to Ireland, and well.... i dunno, i lost so many friends, i don't wanna lose her...

i feel so lonely...sooo lonely...all my friends today were talking with their boyfriends, instead of talking with me... i feel alone in this world...i am listening to sad songs, i don't wanna talk, don't wanna laugh, don't wanna breath, don't wanna eat, don't wanna sleep, don't even want to talk about U2....

i jsut wanna die...:sad:
Maybe you should talk to her and tell her how you feel (if you haven't already) when you're feeling a little bit calmer. I think sometimes people don't know how much they're alienating their friends when they're in a relationship.

I know how hard it is to stay in touch with friends when you move....I have a lot of problems with loneliness too, and get in those moods of complete dispair and confusion when I don't want to be awake but I don't want to be asleep, I don't want to lie down but I don't want to stand up, etc., and my head and heart feel like they're going to burst. Just let yourself cry until you're completely exhausted if that's what it takes. Sometimes I think it's the best way to calm down and clear your head.


If you ever want to talk, you can email me at agirlinthisvicinity@msn.com . Hope you feel better soon.
thanks everybody!!!
i feel a little better...
meegannie, i did what u said, i just let myself cry...that's a good thing!!!
her boyfriend can't come with us, cos first, it is just a night with girls and second, he wants to stay with HIS friends...
I stopped talking to all my school "friends" - they were not friends :anry:

So I went to university and made lots of new friends and meet new people all the time - I love it.

I dont miss the old friends - maybe it was just because they treated me badly in school and I didnt speak to anyone in my year when I left :laugh: :silent: I am such an anti social person :eek: Except for Jo - all my friends were the year or 2 years above me :shrug: I see them a lot now :yes:
:hug: Awww...i'm sorry to hear that...i'm having a bit of the same situation with my friends back in Texas...they're too busy hanging out with their boyfriends to send me an e-mail once in awhile....one of them took 5 months to say yes to being my bridesmaid...by the time she responded I thought well I don't want you to be one now...sheesh...anywho don't worry about it...you've got all us crazys in the board :D hehe
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