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Headache in a Suitcase

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Staff member
Jul 16, 2000
Opinions are my own.

i've now gone 10 consecutive workdays with subway for lunch...
as long as you're not dressing up as a cheerleader to wash your car like the guy in the commercial.
it's odd that you say this with chizip in your avatar. i recall him trying to convince people he was on the subway diet in the days of the randooom chat
he's that guy in the little pictures headache posted. subway is a fast food sandwhich place and they've got subs that are supposed to be low in fat, anyway, the guy lost some significant amount of weight eating the sandwiches and he became the chain's poster-guy.
the last time i went to subway, i found a hair in my sandwich. i haven't been back since.

lol, sorry.

last time i went to the dinning hall i found a hair in my rice...
Headache in a Suitcase said:

i've now gone 10 consecutive workdays with subway for lunch...

Why hasn't chizip....or anyone for that matter...photoshoped headaches mug into this first picture yet?
IWasBored said:
he's that guy in the little pictures headache posted. subway is a fast food sandwhich place and they've got subs that are supposed to be low in fat, anyway, the guy lost some significant amount of weight eating the sandwiches and he became the chain's poster-guy.

Oh... I remember a Tv program showing that guy!, and they showed the smashed chicken that they used in some "Healthy" Sandwiches... :yuck:

And the worst thing that would happen in any kind of food service is find hair (or even nails :( ) in it.
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You don't want to go to the Subway near my work. :no: It looks kinda dirty...I'm sure I'd find lots of hair in my sandwich there if I looked hard enough. :huh:
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