I'm not a "Spice Girl" - Bono doesn't want the job

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Jun 4, 2006
Dublin, London & NY
Ok, so he's not a "Spice Girl" Thank the good Lord!


Bono Denies He's Joined The Spice Girls
U2 star doesnt want the job...
by Jason Gregory on 10/10/2007

Bono’s manager has denied that the U2 frontman has written a song for the Spice Girls ‘Greatest Hits’ album.

It had been reported that the U2 star had penned a song for the group, who release their album on November 12th.

“We’re great fans of the Spice Girls,” Paul McGuiness told the Sun. “But rumours that Bono is to join them as a sixth member are sadly not true.”

As we reported yesterday, the group’s ‘best of’ will include a DVD featuring twelve videos spanning their career.

A new single, 'Headlines,’ will follow on November 19th.
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I read it this morning. So much for everyone going crazy about a rumour.

And note how Paul said "sadly".

What does he mean? Sadly for U2, for Bono or for the Spice Girls?

Or maybe for the tabloid media that was going to report Bono having an affair with all five of them.

I guess we'll never know ...
last unicorn said:
And note how Paul said "sadly".

What does he mean? Sadly for U2, for Bono or for the Spice Girls?
I think Mr McGuinness's tongue was firmly in cheek... or else he was just being very diplomatic. :wink:
Alisaura said:

I think Mr McGuinness's tongue was firmly in cheek... or else he was just being very diplomatic. :wink:

I wish he wasn't so DPL. I wish Paul would have said. "Hell, flipping no - Bono ain't doing no gosh awful project with the flipping vocally challenged Spice Girls!" "Have you lost your flipping mind you dumb animal." "Get away from me - you stupid git. Coming here asking me about Bono and the Spice Girls" "You're barking!"

That's what I would have like to have heard.
I'm sure the whole U2 camp (Adam, Larry, and Edge) had a blast busting Bono's ba**s about this whole Spice Girls thing. Would love to be a "Fly on the wall" back at Hanover Quay :)
Thank god is right!
When I heard he wrote a song for them i was like :|
Ha, i love pauls response
msdw59 said:

I wish he wasn't so DPL. I wish Paul would have said. "Hell, flipping no - Bono ain't doing no gosh awful project with the flipping vocally challenged Spice Girls!" "Have you lost your flipping mind you dumb animal." "Get away from me - you stupid git. Coming here asking me about Bono and the Spice Girls" "You're barking!"

That's what I would have like to have heard.

Well, tongue-in-cheek, diplomacy and respect for other artists is something that is very common in the U2 camp, unlike with some of their collagues. Bono is friends with at least some of the Spice Girls, he would never say something degrading about them, and I'm sure the rest of the boys, including Paul, feel the same way. Just because some of us don't like what certain bands are doing, doesn't mean that U2 need to bash them.

Good answer by Paul, I say.
Thank goodness :wink:
msdw59 said:

“We’re great fans of the Spice Girls,” Paul McGuiness told the Sun. “But rumours that Bono is to join them as a sixth member are sadly not true.”

I can't access the link to the article for whatever reason.

However, based on this quote, while he denies that Bono will be running around in the Spice Bus anytime soon, this does not deny the accusations that he wrote a song for them.

Well, there's still time to do so. I'm sure some of our Photoshop experts are already working on it behind the scenes.


btw, Bonogirl, I love the picture in your avi.
msdw59 said:

I wish he wasn't so DPL. I wish Paul would have said. "Hell, flipping no - Bono ain't doing no gosh awful project with the flipping vocally challenged Spice Girls!" "Have you lost your flipping mind you dumb animal." "Get away from me - you stupid git. Coming here asking me about Bono and the Spice Girls" "You're barking!"

That's what I would have like to have heard.


I think that would be Lardence's response...shame he's not the spokesman for the band eh!
spanna said:


I think that would be Lardence's response...shame he's not the spokesman for the band eh!

Too right. Let me see if I can channel Mr. Lawrence.

Reporter: So Larry, I heard that Bono is working on the next Spice Girls' CD and has already given them a track that everyone is excited about. Any thoughts.

"Hold, on. Hold, on!. "What did you say?" ......(he adjust his mouth to carefully utter)"Bugger that"

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