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Aug 31, 2002
Outside Austin USA
I'm ticked off at most everyone today. I'm tired of people who bash Bush, bash smokers, bash cell phones, bash meat eaters, etc. etc. etc. I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin! No one I work with has the same opinion I do and I feel like telling everyone to go to hell!
Let me just say, (really, nothing against social workers) I work with social workers. They took some kind of "oath" (ha ha) that makes them weenies. I'm sorry, but I did say I was in a foul mood.
I talk to nobody in my work they are all a pack of vultures

I only talk to the security guards - for the past 3 weeks the malaysian one has been in hes teaching me malaysian aba kaba or something is how are you :hmm: Then sometimes Craig is in he thinks one of my friends is my boyfriend and teases me then sometimes Chris comes in I met him last week I waved in at him and he leaves the shop to talk to me and he got in trouble :slant: I met my malaysian security guard today I cant remember his name he was working in the card shop I told him not to work too hard

I am applying for ajob in Virgin now - the boys in there were really bigging it up to me today telling me how I should work there & how great it is - I think they were right :hmm:

And we get to get free cds :combust:

Thats almost heaven
They give me free cds with t eh stuendt magazine as long as I talk about them
Today I acquired a brother in-law. His name is Phil. If you ever meet Phil, kick him hard in the nuts. His familiy call him Dil, but I call him things worse than that.

i know. i love movies. i need to rid myself of this mood im in. need another movie.
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