I Really Love Bono's Voice

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Miggy D

War Child
Aug 30, 2004
Davis, California
When I first became a U2 fan back in November of 2000 (woohoo for anniversaries!), and bought the Best Of 1980-1990 BEFORE buying ATYCLB...I was incredibly disappointed with Bono's vocal work on the latter album. It actually pained me to sit through 'In A Little While' (which I have now grown to like a bit) and 'Wild Honey' (I can't really ever seeing this song growing on me). I thought his voice sounded thin, dry, and quite weak at times.

I'm not sure what's he's done this time around - but I am loving the sound of his voice. It seems more powerful, seems like it has a broader range. It still sounds older, and 'thinner' than its 1980s incarnation, but that's to be expected. But it definitely sounds much different than it did on ATYCLB. I like it a lot. It gives songs like 'Sometimes You Can't...' a lot more gravity and power, and frankly, a little less 'bombast' than they would have had if 1985 Bono would have sung it. Frankly, I think the song may have stunk had 1985 Bono performed it. It's interesting - Bono's lyrics/topics seem to go hand in hand with his changing voice. Idealistic, wide-eyed lyrics would simply not go with his current voice, just as more thoughtful, 'older' songs would not have meshed well with the voice that sang 'Pride.'

Anyway - I love this album infinitely more than ATYCLB (had some good songs, that's all), and I'm really loving the vocals.

Thanks for the new voice, B-man!

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Bono's best singer ever.

But i agree with you... the vocals on the last one...:huh:
Great observations Miggy! :yes:

Bono's voice was one of the reasons I became a U2 fanatic. And while I wish he would stop smoking, it does seem his range and power - something he lost in the "Pop" era - has returned significantly.

There are songs on HTDAAB where Bono sounds like he's in 1984-89. Then there are songs that sound like "One" - scratchy yet still powerful ("Sometimes..."). There's only one note I don't like on this album: when Bono sings "sometimes you can fake it" on "Sometimes...". The "fake it" is sung in falsetto and it's as if he just misses the note or his voice gives out. I'm a bit surprised that was left in there - maybe it was done so intentionally to emphasize the "fake it" part. Because the Bono "wail" is definitely back in full force on this album. :up:
Miggy D said:
It's interesting - Bono's lyrics/topics seem to go hand in hand with his changing voice. Idealistic, wide-eyed lyrics would simply not go with his current voice, just as more thoughtful, 'older' songs would not have meshed well with the voice that sang 'Pride.'

While that might be true on the album recordings, on tour his current voice fits all songs - old and new. :)
doctorwho said:
The "fake it" is sung in falsetto and it's as if he just misses the note or his voice gives out. I'm a bit surprised that was left in there - maybe it was done so intentionally to emphasize the "fake it" part. Because the Bono "wail" is definitely back in full force on this album. :up:

I do think that it was left in there exactly for that reason doctorwho.

What to say about Bono´s voice other than the man was born to sing? There are male voices more powerful or with more quality than him, but none with that something else he puts out, and that is his passion and lot of emotion.

One of the first things I noticed about HTDAAB was that Bono was actually using his range, and not holding back vocally. I always thought he sounded fairly limited during ATYCLB, for the most part. Obviously his voice isn't quite as strong as it once was, but I actually feel his "new" voice has more emotion.

I do wish very much that he would stop smoking, mainly for his own health, but also so his voice doesn't change any further. It's incredible right now, and honestly, I think it sounds better than it has since the Zooropa era.

Sure, there are a lot of more powerful and technically accurate singers out there, but I would rather listen to Bono any day. No one can match the tone and emotion of his voice. HTDAAB is just one more great example of that.
yes, the central point is always the feeling and passion Bono can somehow pass through his voice. I dunno if he can be considered a great vocalist, but as he's ablo to bring ya away, in a sort of other place where you don't care for perfection, but just for what you are and what your feelings are
Best vocals since Zooropa without a doubt..... but I think he 's gonna have problems singing the songs live..... some parts are sooo high! They make miracles in the studio....... but live it will be different.
This is the best singing from the B-man in a very long time. First of all he is hitting notes he haven't done since the AB days. Secondly it is obvious that Lillywhite had more focus on vocals and guitars than the other producers did.
There was an article in Q Magazine right before ATYCLB came out and in it Larry is talking about the difficulties of recording that album. He says at one point that they were having trouble with Bono's vocals, and that it was like his voice was broke. Hmmm, makes you wonder what was going on at the time.

I'm glad to hear that Bono is back to a similar strength he had during the R&H and AB years. I know it may never be as strongs as those years, but it sounds pretty darn good now.
Miggy D said:
. It actually pained me to sit through 'In A Little While' (which I have now grown to like a bit) I thought his voice sounded thin, dry, and quite weak at times.


:eyebrow: :crazy:
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Bono has been exercising!

Also notice how he looks more fit and the "fat elvis" as he says is gone?

Try this: smoke cigarettes sporadically for a week and sing.

Then jog every day for a week and sing.

You will have a lot more power if you are exercising on a more regular basis!

I know he says he still smokes from time to time but I just think he is in pretty good shape right now.

Any thoughts?
I'm just happy he can get emotion across when he sings which all ya need
Listen to Crumbs from Your Table, the line "Dignity Passes By" Bono sounds just like he did in 1987 on that line.
I think Bono's voice is as good as it has ever been as far as its range, timbre and voracity. :yes:

But what really impresses me about the B-man voice on HTDAAB is its INCREASING SOULFULNESS.

Bono is singing more and more from his Soul even more than his Heart which means there is a certain flow and assuredness in his voice which is even more prevalent than in the past.:angel:

He wails the songs now; he implores more passionately for what he believes in.

Maybe it's the air in France, maybe it's the maturity of Bono's voice and stength of his convictions.


And for that, I'm very grateful.

ORIGINAL OF THE SPECIES....:bono: :heart: :heart: :hug:
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