i need your advice about jobs...

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Jun 22, 2001
Live from Boston
Maybe you girls can help me... (i'm sorry it's not U2 related)

Job #1)
mucho $$$, low pressure, really flex hours and good vaca time, don't work directly with your boss... BUT really horrible long commute, not much work to do so very unsatisfied, and not a very "people" job so usually by yourself.

Job #2)
You don't have it yet, but hope to find it lol- Much less money, probably more pressure/scrutiny, not as flex w/ hours but decent vacas...BUT much less of a commute, feel live you're giving back to the community, more active, more involved, more people, more satisfying...

I'm just in a rut right now and I have to get myself out of it. I'm wondering what you guys think, what you would do. For love or money, right?

Packing a suitcase for a place...
that has to be believed to be seen

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From reading how you described the jobs it seems like you already know you want a #2 job and I'd have to agree.
Money isn't everything. Take it from one who knows. I do long unsociable hours for hardly any money, but i love it, it's rewarding and I wouldn't do anything else.
Go with your heart, not $

oh and if it means no commuting. Thats better too.
I would go for the one that is going to be more rewarding for you.. I mean, the money is nice, but if you don't like what you are doing its not worth it...
Believe me, I had a job I hated, and it was the worst two years of my life!!

Olive I don't know how old you are but you still may be young enough to test dive a lot of jobs in your life. But take it from one who has had a lot of jobs, do something you love, because one day you might wake up and think "what the hell am I doing here?" but you're kind of *stuck* there. Don't do that.
Money seems great at the beginning but you will soon find that it's not as important as you think...and there's nothing worse that being in a job you hate with people you don't like.

I was on the typical "3 year plan" myself till I found my current job, which I've been at for 10 years...now, because of the economy, there's a strong possibility I'll be laid off, and THAT, at my age is a bit frightening...

Go with your gut, I say.
This all sounds SOOOOOOO similar to my curent situation. Right now i'm an ICU nurse, and what I really want to do is work in the community - either in clinics, health centers, etc -or something completely different all together. The only problem is it's a sizeable pay cut. I've been offered a few jobs too. I was looking for a while but I have a primary patient here that isnt going anywhere for some time and I need to see it though. I have rent, car, benefits, and school loans to think of so I cant really afford to do what i want right now as much as I want to. Basically I would just make a list of what you need, the pros and cons, and figure out which is the better deal. Believe me, it will be frustrating as hell ...lol but you need to do it!

"Edge, it's you she wants...it's you!...I know him! He's in my band!" Bono - Zoo Boston, 1992

"I'm a big nsync fan, but then again, I eat my own crap...." - Triumph the Insult Comic Dog
- Kathleen -
There's a lot to be said for lots of money, flex hours and no pressure though! But obviously, if it bores you to tears that's no good at all.
I had a job like the first one and I was sooo unhappy. Felt really horrible, useless, not in touch with anybody. I had to get out of it. It was killing me.

So I?d understand if you?d give up a well paid job and take a less well paid job. Cause the thing is that you need to be happy at work. You need to feel satisfied with what you do. It?s the place where you propably will spend most of your daytime, so you better be happy with it.

just my 2 cents...

Action-Packed Mentallist

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01
Oh, wow- thanks everyone for your advice!!

GiantLemon, I guess to clarify a little, I am currently working at job#1- and I did just graduate from college in May. (which makes me think, oh maybe i'm unsatisfied b/c it's SO different from college)... But I am going to keep looking, and see what comes up. I will have to move if I stay at this job (my commute is 75 min each way!!)
so rent will reduce my pay a sizable amount b/c it's so expensive- and if I get another job it'll probably be closer to home.

I know- you just think "what am I *doing* with my life" or that quote "what do you want to look back on?" ... maybe it's U2, they make you feel like anything's possible- that you can do anything!!

I'll let you all know how it turns out!


Packing a suitcase for a place...
that has to be believed to be seen

Go baby! -->* www.u2takemehigher.com *<--All New!
Originally posted by oliveu2cm:
I know- you just think "what am I *doing* with my life" or that quote "what do you want to look back on?" ... maybe it's U2, they make you feel like anything's possible- that you can do anything!!

I really know that feeling, the "anything's possible now"... Especially after a U2 show, I start to think that all my life is wrong and what I want to be doing. It gives me powerfull dreams! And I'm holding on to that because I want to work as a good journalist and I know it's difficult. I'm sure I can succeed anything after that feeling given by U2. Is it the same for you?

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