I just got called an idiot

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Just let it go.. its not worth it. I've gotten called worse than that! Take it with a grain of salt. You're not an idiot!
You scared me until I scrolled down...Liv. :heart:

Call me oversensitive but I always looked at Interference as a little community of mine...I'm just kinda dissapointed about what happened. If we can't make it together in here...how are we ever going to make it "out there"?
i call people idiots all the time. so if it was me (i don't think it was), take comfort in the fact that i call myself an idiot just as often if not more. it's the internet, it's not to be taken personally.
People say stupid things when they are worked up about something, I'm sure they just fired off the first thing in their head -don't let it get you down :hug:
Well I don't know if I can say nything that hasn't been said but about the "Little world of our own" I think it would be appopriate to cite some random irish guy "We're One but we're not the same"

And remember Don't let the bastards grind you down!!( Damn that dude is good! :lol:)

I've been called things too, that's what I mean when I gave you that speech about hiding in PLEBA. What really gets me is the people who get around it by saying 'that statement is ignorant' or 'thinking that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard' and then they try to say that's not an insult, it IS. If you are the one who made the statement, or the one who thinks it, that's the same as calling the person stupid. Of course a lot of times people will post that when they really can't think of anything else to say.
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It seems there are always mean people around wanting to make others feel bad. Those people usually have some sort of complex and want to bring everyone down.
Just keep smiling and don't let them bring you down!:wave:
Oh the negative feeling is like the key component of FYM, I have been working for months, months I tell you, on the full recipie;

1 part politics
1 part religion
1 part indifference
2 parts vodka
1/2 ounce dry vermoth
7 parts soul destroying hatred
And a Rubber Chicken!

:wave: Don't worry if it means anything I have been called worse.

Oh and a shout out to U2Kitten - your hiding out in PLEBA and I am hiding from the Plebans in FYM, aint it unfair = its all about the shoutouts :wink:
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Hey Stars don't be blue. I've had some not nice people comment on some of my threads and U2Kitten is right. Don't listen to them. I just said that I need to hide out in PLEBA it is safer for me. You are entitled to your opinion like everyone else on this bored. They are the idiots if they don't realize that. It is just a bored of opinions and so many times the opinions get out of hand.:hug:
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