I have the coolest dad!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Jan 25, 2002
Houston, TX
Okay, here's a phone conversation my dad and I had (who called all the way from texas to ask me about the halftime show)

Dad: Did you see U2 on the haltime show?

Me: yeah, weren't they great?

Dad: yeah, they were. I liked Bone-O's shades.

Me: *doesn't bother to correct this mistake...it never works* yeah, they were cool. did you see Larry?

Dad: oh yeah, the drummer you're in love with?

Me: *blush*...yeah.

Dad: We were trying to remember his name, I thought it was Mike.

Me: Nope...

Dad: Is he your favorite?

Me: I don't have a favorite...I really like the guitarist though.

Dad: Which one?

Me: The one on the left.

Dad: Bone-O's left, or the TV left?

Me: The TV left, and it's Bono by the way.

Dad: Oh..I thought it was Bone-O?

Me: Nope..that's Sonny Bono.

Dad: oh, right.

Me: did you find that 7 CD I asked you about?

Dad: not yet. I'm gonna go tomorrow and pick it up. Want me to get you that DVD you saw too?

Me: wow, you'll get me a DVD? ok, get Rattle and Hum or Making of the Joshua tree...anything besides Live from Boston, I already have that tape. It has Bono on the front.

Dad: Rattle and Hum...not the one with Bone-O on the front..gotcha.

Me: *sigh*

....rest of conversation was un-U2 related...

Isn't he cool? hehe.

"I think that Edge is the head of the band, I'm the heart, and Adam and Larry are the feet." - Bono, 1981

haha, thats cool u2er
my family knows i love u2 and my mom watched the halftime show with me. she thought it was awesome too. my grandmother even called to tell me that it was going to be on hoping to surprise me, i have such a cool family

touch me, take me to that other place, teach me, i know i'm not a hopeless case
no, I have the coolest dad

Shake it, shake it, shake it
I am trying hard to be a cool dad, but it is really hard...

Anyone know where I could find a U2-sleeper for girl 18 months, 25 pounds?
Dad: Rattle and Hum...not the one with Bone-O on the front..gotcha.

Me: *sigh*

I had to giggle at that bit aaaw

aaaw you are/ have cool dads! I also have a cool Dad, he took me to Slane, runs about his office stealing all the u2 related articles from papers/magazines-hes going to try and write to bono for me and send in all my u2 articles from magazines and try to impress him even tho i told him nobody is gonna take him seriously but he said oooh sure bono would love to read your articles
(hes silly sometimes)

He takes me to Dublin soooo maany times a year & we sit in the Clarence incase we spot the boys, hes buys me u2 posters, cd's, tapes, dvd's, limited edition cd's

He reads books about u2 and impresses me with his u2 knowledge

aaaaw bless hes a BRILLIANT dad

[This message has been edited by bono-vox (edited 02-06-2002).]
lol! yeah, all you guys are cool dads. Here's one of my mom's famous quotes:

As Bono was walking through the audience at the halftime show:
"Why doesn't anyone molest him?"

"I think that Edge is the head of the band, I'm the heart, and Adam and Larry are the feet." - Bono, 1981


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