I hate Mondays

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
That reminds me of that Bangles song "Manic Monday":

It's just another manic Monday,
i wish it was Sunday
that's my fun day...

"It's about finding your way into the music." - Edge

"Something inside said this could be everything in your life." - Bono

"U2 as a band does things nobody one else can. I think that is a very powerful thing." - Larry

"Adam believed in the band before anyone did." - Bono

[This message has been edited by U2girl (edited 11-04-2001).]

yeah but think, yours is overwith right as ours is starting

Friday is only 5 days away..hehe

but for the grace of love I'd will the meaning of heaven from above...
Sundays are fun unless you're an overworked college student who has a shitload of stuff due on Monday that you haven't started yet and now you're really screwed cause you're not gonna have time to get it all done.

Friday night is the best time for us.

Change is the only constant
I love monday the best of all the days.

On mondays i see more people miserable than any other day and i find happiness in that.

see! how could you be miserable on a monday with rougerboy here to cheer you up??

but for the grace of love I'd will the meaning of heaven from above...
Well, while we'll be working/studying Friday morning, you'll be Friday night so...

And by the way, it's not because you're in the Southern Hemisphere. In Chile, it's still not Monday...
It depends on time zones...

BUT, you'll have summer while we'll have winter!


"You see things and say 'Why?'; but I dream things that never were and I say 'Why not?'" -- George Bernard Shaw
I cant believe the Giants won. Good shit. I wish I could have seen that game. God only knows why they would air a damn Baltimore game over a Cowboy/Giants game.

Zooming In
Zooming Out
Nothing I Can't Do Without
suckers my Monday is over!!

tomorrow is Melbourne Cup Day which means champagne,horsies, gambling,champagne, food, champagne and lots of cheering.Did I mention i get to drink champagne?

It also means Im going to see Powderfinger live
HAH to you all

Enjoy Mondayitis
and mine is already here
so I hate you all non Southern Hemispherians

go have fun on your Sunday afternoons and live it up

blah blah blahity blah

Yes, get out your violins, ZooMe is feeling sorry for herself.
But whats new right?

Bob Geldof said it best
i hate mondyas too, but look at the bright side, when we{re at mondays u will be at tuesday which is obviously sweeter than mean old monday.
bob geldof is right
"tell me why?? idont like mondays!!!!!"

boo for mondays!
yep, and when you guys are chilling on Saturday we will still be hard at work on Friday just searching for the light of rest at the end of the tunnel
thats unless you work Saturdays, if so I will play the sad violin music for ya
Well, I hate Sundays AND Mondays...

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays aren't that great either.

Fridays and Saturdays are okay, I guess.

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
2 more hours to go until tuesday.

I hate Mondays too.

I love Fridays, as well as Saturdays, and Sundays.

Mondays suck. Especially when your Sunday was ruined by a hungover from the night before and stays with you all day at work Monday too. Blah!!

"I'm staring at the sun, not the only one who's happy to go blind..."

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