HTDAAB book artwork

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Dec 2, 2000
seems very inspired by radiohead if you ask me.
yeah, it does have the handwriting pearl jam thing too.
is the artwork any different on the actual cd than the collector's edition? if so, can someone post scans of the regular cd booklet please?
There is a good thread in PLEBA called HTDAAB scans, go check it out!
Can someone just confirm for me that the pages of the book are the opposite way round when reading from each side? Hard to explain but I think you know what I mean! As if the book has two fronts.

The reason I ask is that if this is not the case then my copy might be worth something!! :rolleyes: :laugh:
CD Book With Two Fronts

Yes, the book does have two fronts. Thought "what the" when I first flicked through it
Perhaps mind is the misprint and yours is normal (lol)
looks really just really reminds me of ok computer.
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