How to use Vpad

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The Fly
May 18, 2005
The Light
Was is Vpad and how do I use it?

Is this the little additional comments I see in posts that are placed beneath an under line?

I am a complete techno peasent and I do not understand what the pad is for or how to use it.

Most welcome would be vBpad for Dummies type instructions
I guess there aren't really *instructions* for vBpad. I've used mine to draft really long posts, or posts that I really want to have a chance to think about before I post them for everyone to read. The nice thing about vBpad is that you can save what you've written and come back to it, and only you can read it. You can use your vBpad notes for absolutely anything--whatever you want to jot down. Just use it like you'd use Notepad on your home computer.

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