How are the tickets selling?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The lesson they learned from the Vertigo Tour was that if your concerts sell out the first day (or first hour), you undercharged. This method ensures that they get to milk maximum dollars from fans. Overcharge, see how many sell, then gradually lower prices until eventually all the tickets are sold. As previously mentioned, The Rolling Stones used this same method on their last arena tour, and the shows were slow to sell, but eventually sold out (or "Sold Out").

I'm kinda glad I'm sitting this tour out. Seems like a huge pain in the ass. Hopefully by the next time they tour they'll have a better system figures out.
"Ropes will fall tomorrow" - does that mean anyone can go buy available tickets? Is the VF piece only for the first day?
That's good, I guess. I know of several people who will be interested in going but likely had no idea about the VF thing.

How hard is it for TM/LN/U2 to get their shit together and give accurate information before tickets go onsale? This shit isn't new, nor is it brain surgery.

Balcony seats for $300 is obscene. For that price, I expect them to perform in the rafters and then swing via rope over to each section and give them champagne and serenades. But also, could it have anything to do with the album not being out yet?
360 maybe? Nothing is standing out in memory on that one, of course they had to reschedule the later leg.
Legitimate question (as in, I'm not being sarcastic or facetious):

Who buys $600 VIP tickets? Who buys $300 seats? It is presumptuous, but probably accurate, to say that most of us on a fan forum are looking for GA, maybe decent seats for $100-$150....but I haven't seen too many people on here saying "Found the seats I wanted for only $450! Can't wait!"

And most of my fan-friends not on forums were even a bit shocked at the sticker price for GA this tour...

Obviously people are going to spend this money or else they wouldn't do it? I've noticed that a lot of shows of other bands I would previously say are "never miss" have come through my city and upon looking up tickets have been shocked at what is needed to get in the door (and people obviously go to these shows) maybe it's the concert market in general that has shifted??
Legitimate question (as in, I'm not being sarcastic or facetious):

Who buys $600 VIP tickets? Who buys $300 seats? It is presumptuous, but probably accurate, to say that most of us on a fan forum are looking for GA, maybe decent seats for $100-$150....but I haven't seen too many people on here saying "Found the seats I wanted for only $450! Can't wait!"

And most of my fan-friends not on forums were even a bit shocked at the sticker price for GA this tour...

Obviously people are going to spend this money or else they wouldn't do it? I've noticed that a lot of shows of other bands I would previously say are "never miss" have come through my city and upon looking up tickets have been shocked at what is needed to get in the door (and people obviously go to these shows) maybe it's the concert market in general that has shifted??

I love U2, I love millennial U2, I really like the new songs and haven't missed a tour since 1997. I was in the "experience" group and pulled up the tickets for MSG. I don't care for GA or RedZone, so I was looking for some good seats or a VIP package to spoil myself a little(and my wife because we both go)

The VIP packages were $495! That means with fees and taxes, it would be what $550, so $1100 for two tickets? FO

Then I went to the tier 1 seats that were not tagged as "VIP" and they were $330 each! That means with fees and taxes it would be about $375 a ticket, so $750 for two ticket? FO

Then I went to tier 2, thinking "further the seat, lower the price", well Cosmo is apparently an asshole for thinking that because....$330 a ticket!

Then I went to RedZone thinking, well I don't like GA but at least that's a controlled capacity area and guess what...$395, so two tickets would be about $875? FO

Then I said, screw it, I might as well pay $80 for GA and spend about $200 and use just half the money I would have saved on merchandise , food and drinks but the GAs were gone within an hour (they were there initially, so that's my fault)

I ended up getting seats in section 311 front row for $112 each or about $150 each with taxes and fees. I'm okay with that price but I fear that there is some obstructed view for them to be "so much less" than every other ticket.

I would pay for the membership anyway because like I said, I love U2 and I like their gifts and having early access to tickets(that's a plus) but anyone who got a membership and payed $40 just for access to $330 seats (if they didn't want or couldn't get GA) I feel really crappy for. These prices are OUTRAGES and I'm someone who is okay with paying for a membership, bought the digital deluxe album and will buy the vinyl.

Keep in mind, outside of the $750 you would pay for two tickets(assuming you go with someone), if you want a beer at MSG it's $15, so you can easily drop $100 on food and drinks and getting a shirt made out of cheap material is $40 and a couple of train're dropping near $1,000 EASY for the night.

But hey, at least there will be a shit ton of corporate douchebags taking selfies and texting during half the concert.

Sorry.....I got a little fired up.
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I don't understand ticketmaster new look. All those seats with unock next to them are just people reselling tickets? But I went to my msg seats and you can't resell them. Boston I can. So I'm confused by that.

I keep aruging that prices are high, but no matter the price that won't really solve most of our sitautions. Sure if we pulled up 75 ticket for every seat we may buy them quicker, but so would everyone else... so the odds of getting seats you want are even worse....

Not that I think anyone should buy 300 dollar balcony seats unless you're rich and seeing them once -- go for it.

This one is just too complicated for it's own good is the issue right? Too many presales. Too many hoops. And verified thing actually favors the scalpers who do this for a living -- casual fan didn't even realize you had to register I bet. Us super fans did realize it and even some of us couldn't get it down. Having specific codes for specific cities -- it was all annoying.
Who buys $300 seats? ?

Well, let's see. . .

I bought a $300 seat for 360 St Louis . . . one for I&E Phoenix, one both for Miami and Tampa JT30.

The rest of the time I get GA or cheaper lower or higher level.

I like to mix it up.

So far this upcoming tour, I'm GA for St Louis.

It's great to see them from different angles high and low.
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Not sure but is the Atlanta show at the Infinite Energy arena the smallest stop of the group of stops? It holds a grand total of 13,000 for concerts.

For a metro of almost 6 mil and fans traveling in for a show its a head scratcher. Phillips arena must have been booked up.

With that small capacity it would be near impossible to get a ticket at a decent price, or a ticket at all.
Tickets for some shows haven't gone on general sale yet have they? Some pages saying 10am general sale time. Really cannot judge the some sales until theve gone on general sale
After 8 years away they better not pull this Verified Fan bullshit when they get to Australia.
Just keep it simple: two levels of fanclub presale and general sale. There will ALWAYS be scalpers so best to not piss off your avid fanbase with unnecessary complications.
The reason Australia hasn't got any shows is because we sea the verified as fans. It's all become clear!
Here's hoping the europe leg is not such a clusterfuck when it comes to the ticket prices, sales ,verified fan and so on and so forth.

If it is i might just miss out on this 2018 tour, but i have seen them 6 times since 2015 so i'm quite fine tbh.
That's good, I guess. I know of several people who will be interested in going but likely had no idea about the VF thing.

How hard is it for TM/LN/U2 to get their shit together and give accurate information before tickets go onsale? This shit isn't new, nor is it brain surgery.

I think this change of opening the sales to everyone (so with only VF on day one) is that they likely had thought that all shows would be sold out by the end of the day. So this change is likely a last-minute one.
On Ticketmaster this morning there are 7 shows "currently not on sale".

Don't think they are sold out!!!

Maybe they are changing over from the VF to open sales for today as it did not sell out with the VF yesterday. I am sure this is not for a lack of fans, but a lack of affordable tickets. Everything for sale yesterday was either $300 or crap, no GA's anywhere!!!!

I wish they would just announce the additional shows so you could plan. Maybe they expected the lack of sales and are only going to add shows where there is a sell out. Only Montreal so far!!!
It was odd seeing an email from Ticketmaster yesterday listing a bunch of shows that were still available for purchase and NJ being one of them.

To me, this whole “verified fan” thing seems more about Ticketmaster and the band cashing in on raised prices rather than on the secondary market. “Oh you really wanna see U2 huh? You must be one of those people who pay a bunch on stub hub. Now you’ll just pay $330 for nosebleeds here. Same thing!”
There's only 4 shows that are on general sale at the minute, the rest go on sale today
It was odd seeing an email from Ticketmaster yesterday listing a bunch of shows that were still available for purchase and NJ being one of them.

To me, this whole “verified fan” thing seems more about Ticketmaster and the band cashing in on raised prices rather than on the secondary market. “Oh you really wanna see U2 huh? You must be one of those people who pay a bunch on stub hub. Now you’ll just pay $330 for nosebleeds here. Same thing!”
I'm fairly certain this is exactly what it is. Squeeze out some of the scalpers by making the process frustrating, and then let the tickets out in a slow trickle so fans buy the pricey ones through Ticketmaster instead
This is the first tour since I started following this band that I'm considering skipping.

And it has nothing to do with the ticket price. It's a combination of how many times I've seen them the past few years, the fact that they're apparently planning on doing a very similar show to I+E, the fact that I've heard most of these songs more times than I can count (and can probably do without hearing the new ones live), the verified fan fiasco, the plain truth that that U2 shows aren't as good, or special, as they used to be, the fact that I'll eventually be able to see it on Blu-Ray, and my general lack of enthusiasm for the whole thing. It doesn't surprise me that a lot of other people are feeling the same way.

I'm not buying tickets now. If it gets close to the date of a show near me and there are still tickets available, and I'm able to get them relatively cheaply and easily, I'll probably do that. But for now I'm passing.
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On Ticketmaster this morning there are 7 shows "currently not on sale".

Don't think they are sold out!!!

Maybe they are changing over from the VF to open sales for today as it did not sell out with the VF yesterday. I am sure this is not for a lack of fans, but a lack of affordable tickets. Everything for sale yesterday was either $300 or crap, no GA's anywhere!!!!

I wish they would just announce the additional shows so you could plan. Maybe they expected the lack of sales and are only going to add shows where there is a sell out. Only Montreal so far!!!

Given what is not offline, I suspect there is some price adjusting going on with the offline shows ...
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