Hmm...which is a better....

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War Child
Jan 23, 2001
New York, NY, USA
...Bootleg grab???

ZOO TV Washington DC Aug. 16th 1992


Zoo TV Lakeland, FL (their 1st Zoo show)

I don't want both, just one. But me can no decide.

"You gotta put the women and children first, but you've got an unquenchable thirst for New York..."
I just figured Lakeland could be more sentimental due to it being the 1st show and all. Plus they play Wild Horses live. How is Wild Horses Live anyway???

I just get both. You know, to make it easier.

"You gotta put the women and children first, but you've got an unquenchable thirst for New York..."
Wild Horses sounds good live. If want a show with Wild Horses from the Zoo TV days, I would recommend the 6/11/92 Stockholm show. It's a far better recording than the Lakeland show.
Well I havent heard the Fl one, but the DC show is amazing quality and the setlists are virtually identical.

I have both. Lakeland is an excellent sounding audience recording. DC is recorded from the mixing desk and I believe it is the only night on the entire Zoo TV, Outside Broadcast, and Zooropa Tours where they played both Bad and Sunday Bloody Sunday. I personally like the DC show better between the two. It also depends on how much audience noise you like to hear. You can barely hear any audience noise on the DC show.

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