Hey Ewan McG fans...I finally saw Moulin Rouge!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jul 25, 2000
Ok, first, sorry that it's off-topic, but I finally saw this movie and I wanted to talk about it and this seemed the best forum to do so. lol. Well, it's not entirely un-U2 because Ewan did sing a line from Pride.

Anyways, saw the movie. Loved it! Wow. It seemed to me like the kind of film you either love or hate. Unconventional to be sure. But the vitality and the emotion...and the unabashed use of pop music from the few decades...wow. I never thought I'd see a chorus line of old men in top hats singing Nirvana. lmao.

Highlight for me tho was Ewan. I've always admired his acting (he was woefully underused in Star Wars
) but I felt that he really shone in this film. He played the part just right...with enough youthful naivete but not overplaying it. And umm...he's damn hot!

Anyways, that's my rave. I know it's terribly old news...as the film came out eons ago, but I'm a loser and don't get out much these days. When it hits the $2 theatre next to my apartment, I finally see it. lol

lol, Gina. Yeah, you gotta love the actors doing their own vocals.

"he's no Edge" ...well that goes without saying.
Still, I wouldn't mind waking up to that cute lil' face.


...thinking she should go see the movie again this weekend...after all it IS only $2.
I looooooooooooooooooooooooove Ewan's singin voice. I only listen to 3 or 4 songs on the soundtrack....but it's worth it.
BEST SONG on that soundtrack -- Your Song. *faint* love love love it. Now I have an urge to go listen to it.

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~
lol, that stuff is expensive. we should go to his house (*magically*) and demand for a refund, whichever way he wants to pau you. *innuendo*

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~
Originally posted by WildHonee:
lol, that stuff is expensive. we should go to his house (*magically*) and demand for a refund, whichever way he wants to pau you. *innuendo*

was that pau or pay? paw?
freudian slip, perhaps?

lol! oopsie. well..i meant to say 'pay' but whatever Ewan wants Ewan gets!

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~
I agree-I would just surrender to him immediately-and when doing my pic searching, I read that he has a movie coming out in March 2002 w/ Josh Hartnett called "Black Hawk Down".. Talk about a double dose of eye candy!
*who needs candy at the movie when you've got Ewan and Josh*
*gasp* *faint* I need to go to
1. the hospital to get oxygen at the thought of such hotness on the big screen all at once
2. church


"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~
Gina!!! Why'd you do that?!
Now I have a concussion from fainting and whacking my head on the floor. Who wants to come kiss it and make it all better? Ewan? josh? BONO?!

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~
BTW while we're on the subject of being unfaithful to Bono etc., *sneak around* does anyone else watch "Gilmore girls" on WB? That Luke guy is one hot tamale!

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~
dang, Sula, what took ya so long!?

I LOVED this movie, it was like a Roman orgy for my eyes and ears...a friend got the CD of the soundtrack, but I only liked 4 of the songs: Children of the Revolution (duh!), Hindi Sad Diamonds, the Can Can song and Beck's Diamond Dogs - those four can get any day CRANKIN on my way to work! (turned up to 11 of course!)

And hey, it was the first Ewan McGregor movie I've seen where I didn't get to see his WILLY!! (think I've seen 4 of his films, and he's nekkid somewhere in each of them)

lol. I dunno what took me so long. But I do know I'm gonna have to see it again. What an assault on one's senses! Visually, emotionally, aurally. Wow.

I might have missed it, but was Bono and Gavin's song actually IN the movie or just on the soundtrack?

Originally posted by sulawesigirl4:

I might have missed it, but was Bono and Gavin's song actually IN the movie or just on the soundtrack?


Yup. In the first scene where they're all drinking absinthe, and then when Christian and his friends have the huge party after their play is accepted by the Duke.
It's kind of the theme-song for the bohemian characters in the movie, and for the bohemian lifestyle in general.

"It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything." - Fight Club

"Here's where it makes the most sense. You need it so you don't forget. Forget that there are places in the world that aren't made out of stone. That there's something inside that's yours, that they can't touch. That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you." - The Shawshank Redemption

"All God wants is a willing heart and for us to call out to him." - Bono
Hey all...(sula)
If you are a Ewan Fan..check out this movie called: "Little Voice" its a sweet movie and ewan plays such a sweet character...u gotta love him...
Michael Caine is in it...I think it was released to video in 1998...u can rent it from blockbuster on vhs or dvd..I just saw it again the other nite..


If you twist and turn away
If you tear yourself in two again
If I could, yes I would
If I could, I would
Let it go
Originally posted by Discoteque:
And hey, it was the first Ewan McGregor movie I've seen where I didn't get to see his WILLY!! (think I've seen 4 of his films, and he's nekkid somewhere in each of them)


*GASP* are you kiddin me?! ...um...I have to do this report for

*looks around shiftilly*

school...about...Ewan...coincidentally...and...part of it is seeing....his movies....and
...well I need a shopping list...of...those movies....see....

*hopes 'shiftilly' is a word*

for school....yeah....that's the ticket....

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~

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