Help, my cat is missing?

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New Yorker
Jul 8, 2004
Another Time, Another Place
My eleven year old cat is missing. She is the queen of my house of five cats and I can't find her. I don't know if she snuck outside or if she is sick somewhere in my house. If a cat is really ill will they hide somewhere? I called her all night and walked the streets all morning calling her. Usually if she sneaks behind you and goes outside all you need to do is say "Abigail inside" and she walks right up to the door. Once she got outside when she was a year old and we went out. When we came home, she was sitting in front of the door waiting for us. She isn't waiting for us this time.:sad: Her sister has been following me through the house staying downstairs with us, which she never does.

Do you think she got out? Maybe she is sick somewhere in my house? I am so sad:sad:
I am so sorry :sad: :hug: It does sound like she may have gone off to :sad: That happens with older cats. But maybe not, she could have gotten out and she'll find her way back! Use her sister as a guide, she can smell and sense things we can't. Good luck!! :hug:
I'm sorry--I know how you feel. My cat Catherine that I had since the day she was born went missing over the summer. She was born in 1987. She was getting kind of frail and I think she just went off to die. I hope your kitty is OK.
Something to check, do you have an 'under the house' or a shed she can get under? When Bono gets out accidently, he is afraid to take off and hides. Once I found him under a car and once I found him under the house. He is so scared he won't even come when I call him. When he was under the car, I grabbed him, when he was under the house, he came to the sound of a pop top can of cat food.
U2Kitten said:
Something to check, do you have an 'under the house' or a shed she can get under? When Bono gets out accidently, he is afraid to take off and hides. Once I found him under a car and once I found him under the house. He is so scared he won't even come when I call him. When he was under the car, I grabbed him, when he was under the house, he came to the sound of a pop top can of cat food.

The cars have moved. My husband got home late last night and my car moved this morning. I checked under my deck b/c that's where the others have hidden when they got out accidentally but I didn't see her. I didn't even see any movement.
I'm sorry :sad:
Maybe you can ask your vet whether you can place an advertisement with perhaps a photo of your cat in his waitingroom or you can place an advertisement in the local newspaper
Do you have like an outside storage building? One of my other cats did spend 2 days in our storage building one time and another time on the roof for 2 days before we found her. I hope your kitty comes back. It's hard not knowing. :sad:
Gosh, I'm really sorry that this happened. It's no fun to lose a pet or have to worry about losing a pet. One time my sister's cat in New York City got out. It took her several hours to find the cat. She was around the corner on the next block! That was a few hours of pure hell. It's really bad when the cat gets out because NYC is so easy to get lost in.
Don't always go by no movement, I didn't see any with Bono, even with a flashlight, but he was under there. Also check neighbor's sheds, if she got scared by a dog she might run there. Yes and closets are a good idea too. Good luck, I hope you find her!
I'm sad to read this.

Double check everything in the house, closets, under the beds, cupboards.. you'd be surprised where cats can get themselves stuck.

The best time to look for her outside is 3am.. when all is quiet. Shake her fav treats or open cans of cat food calling her name. Put a smelly shirt or sprinkle used cat litter around the outside of your house so she can find her way back.

Put up flyers all over the neighborhood, call your local shelters or visit them to see if she was picked up.

I sure hope you find her :( :hug:
No luck yet. I am devestated, walking around calling her name.

I like the kitty litter trick I am going to try that. Maybe she'll find her way home.

Thanks everyone.

:hug: for all your support.
She's back. I did what Sicy told me to and she came back.

Thank you all for your support. She must have heard all of you calling her name too.


Edit I just did this after my last post at 12:23. 40 minutes later she came home.
I am so happy !!!! :happy: :applaud:

I even sent her mental pictures, Abigail go home, go home... I believe in that weird stuff :shifty:
so glad she is back - it is a horrible, useless feeling when a pet is lost - glad all the prayers/helpful hints worked
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