help me figure out this Bono quote. 2 more expressions to figure out.

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
quote first: Bono on TRL:
"right now, this is a grudge match. we put our lives into this record, we're very proud of it. the only way we want to put it across is like we don't exist before this record."

what does "grudge match" mean? i know what grudge and match mean separately, but i don't know what they mean put together. and it makes no sense to translate it literally-a race in begrudging.

expressions: this one is related to US education system.
"homecoming (queen)"
what kind of tradition is homecoming? is it during high school time or during college time?

the second one is from New York:
"you can't walk around the block without a change of clothing"
over here, a block is a tall building with apartments/flats in it.
is it the same in the song? or is block a group of buildings, like a street or neighbourhood? or is it just like-you can't even go around the corner?
A grudge match is two people who have a grudge against one another fighting it out.

Homecoming is (usually during US football season, at the high school level) a team has been out on the road for several away games, then comes home to play a game. It is usually celebrated by a lot of festivities, parades, etc. and a "queen" is elected from the student body.

A block is the area surrounded by four streets - it can be a big city block with lots of buildings/apartments, etc. or can be in a suburb with just a few houses, etc. But you can walk around it. What he's saying here is it is so hot and humid that you can't go around four corners without sweating through your clothes.

She's gonna dream up a world she wants to live in / She's gonna dream out loud.
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No problem Cass, he'll be fine. I have a dad just like him but he always pulls through.
Thank you girl and crzy. Just yesterday I chatted with someone from the USA who said they were about to help their son get ready for homecoming. I wasn't quite sure what that was either. So now I know. Good timing here, as always

Now I just need mad1.Yesterday I started reading a book set in Dublin "Irish Gold"( about Michael Collins, there'll be tears before I'm through)There are a few words/terms already I am unsure of. I might just have to go there and do my own research

Peace 2U U2girl.
PS: I also wanted to see if the "from:" function is is!!!
post K59 hmmmmm, my parents street number. I didn't sleep much last night. Dad is in hospital for his hip replacement surgery today. I'm shit scared, he's so old and tiny these days.Just my anxiety bubbling over, sorry.
Originally posted by U2girl:
or is it just like-you can't even go around the corner?

I don't get that!

How can you possibly go around a corner? Or how can you not go around a corner? Who are we? Where are we? Santiago? How did we get here? Me? I went looking! Bah!

Larry looked like some kind of porn star. Edge looked like his sister Jill, I looked like Barbara Bush and Adam hasn't taken the dress off.

***Sparky's Whore***

RSOC's Sparky Shrine
Originally posted by cass:
PS: I also wanted to see if the "from:" function is is!!!
post K59 hmmmmm, my parents street number. I didn't sleep much last night. Dad is in hospital for his hip replacement surgery today. I'm shit scared, he's so old and tiny these days.Just my anxiety bubbling over, sorry.


Originally posted by CatDubh:

I don't get that!

How can you possibly go around a corner? Or how can you not go around a corner? Who are we? Where are we? Santiago? How did we get here? Me? I went looking! Bah!

when you walk around a house, you go around corner(s).
what's there to understand?

LOL @ the rest of your post.
Thanks Dr Teeth. He is in the ICU, but they are pleased with how it went. He woke up from the anaesthetic singing "Happy Birthday to Lilly...."(mum is 70 today, I'm glad she got the right b'day present)
U2girl, I think you found what you were looking for, thanks to Crzy
(*follower takes some notes*)

cass, I hope everything is allright now with your dad. If he woke up singing it's a good sign, no doubt. We always want our beloved ones to be healthy. My father had a heart problem a year ago, what a scary situation was that one.
My brother was nominated for homecoming king last weekend! But he lost...

Cass, I'm sorry about your dad, I'm sure everything will turn out ok.
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