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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Jan 22, 2025
Greetings from the Philly burbs! I've followed U2 since the 90's, becoming a fan during Pop, and what a ride it has been. Married with two wonderful daughters, it's awesome to share decades of good and (at times) culturally relevant music with a younger generation. I used to be a big collector of all sorts of U2 memorabilia until the late 00's. I'm probably going to start shedding pieces of it for others to enjoy, but I still geek out over the band's collectibles. I look forward to participating with the group and sharing in on the experiences!
Greetings from the Philly burbs! I've followed U2 since the 90's, becoming a fan during Pop, and what a ride it has been. Married with two wonderful daughters, it's awesome to share decades of good and (at times) culturally relevant music with a younger generation. I used to be a big collector of all sorts of U2 memorabilia until the late 00's. I'm probably going to start shedding pieces of it for others to enjoy, but I still geek out over the band's collectibles. I look forward to participating with the group and sharing in on the experiences!
What burb?
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