I ordered one from my bookstore and they said it would take 6 weeks but it came in yesterday! I don't have it now because my daughter wrapped it up and put it under the tree for me but I did take a peek first. It is not very big or colorful which was disappointing. It's not small but I was expecting a coffee table book with big shiny colorful pages and it's not one of those. It's average size with small black and white pics. It's not in story form. It's like an encyclopedia- alphabetical order subjects, then a small writeup on how they pertain to U2. It mentions other famous people and cities and places U2 played, along with famous dates and all too brief biographies of the boys themselves. It was $20, and it's not worth more, but it is worth having if you are a big U2 fan or collector. In summary, though it did not live up to my expectations I was not all that disappointed. I'm glad to have it and I think everyone on this forum is a big enough fan and should have one. Buy it now!
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