got Slane?!

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Blue Crack Supplier
Aug 22, 2002
the great beyond
I just got the 'U2 go HOME' dvd!.. for only $11, I should add... :drool:

Haven't watched the whole thing yet but I noticed the following things:

- Bono looks much much better without glasses :wink:

- The ending of UTEOTW kicks a ton of ass... although overall I prefer the Zoo TV performances!

- All I Want Is You..Streets is pretty impressive although I still prefer the RTSS and Please moments from the past!

- Out Of Control, albeit slower, is a great performance! I have a new found appreciation for this song after not caring much for it all these years!

- The 3 Sunrises moment in the documentary where Bono and Edge burst out laughing is hilarious!

I'll be back with more.. later. :sexywink:

PS: VG... thanks for all the prompting! :hug: :wink:
Zoots, I'm happy for you-----this is one unbelievable show & it's a blast to watch!!
YAAYYY! =) $11! what a steal! i've seen bits and pieces of it here and there, but I don't have it myself. i'm totally going to buy it next, tho.
The crowd energy seems incredible here compared to Vertigo Chicago! Or is it just the camera work? :hmm:

But I think Bono definitely looks better on Vertigo.
Slane is the most FUN U2 tour DVD! Puts me in a great mood every time I see it! :up:
Slane has high highs and low lows. Elevation through Kite is golden. All I Want Is You/Streets is great. For post-ZooTV, it's a good With or Without You. But Angel/Desire/Staring at the Sun is a nice way to put my to sleep. Pride also sounds tired. Bullet is...just not the same without the Mark Chapman rap. And it's quite possibly the most uninspired "One" ever.
$11 that's about £5.50 innit? :applaud: Great bargain! I adore this DVD. Now let us all join in a collective :drool: over this concert.
This DVD was essentially the reason why I became a diehard U2 fan. I was OK with them before I saw this video, but afterwards, I went all out to discover more about their other "non-hit" songs and found stuff like Achtung Baby and Joshua Tree. My favorite band before U2 was actually Metallica. Probably makes little sense, oh well.

"Kite" and "AIWIY/Streets" blew me away the first time I saw it as I had never even heard of the song before watching the video. I keep rediscovering this disc every 4 months or so and enjoy it every time I pop it in the DVD player.
"Look what you've done with your bloody rock music you've put out the sun! You're not welcome back at our castle!"
I love this DVD, and that's a great price...but I got it for a better one $0, as it was a gift from a friend of mine who's also a diehard fan and was appalled that I had so many U2 DVDs but not that one. I gave them the Vertigo DVD in return as I was able to go to see it live but they couldn't.
Great show. A little over-rated IMO as I prefer the Boston DVD. The only songs I find superior on the Slane DVD are: Elevation, Wake Up Dead Man(amazing), and the fact that New Years Day, One and Mysterious Ways are included. The rest I think that Boston takes the cake. I do love both shows tho.

The best part about the dvd IMO is the great camera work and the interaction between the band and the crowd.
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