Golden Globes 2014 pics and chatter

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That is pretty painfull to watch.
But Diddy won the Snub awardprize.
Okay, watching that gif a second time is interesting. I don't want to be a drama queen, but I thought Edge's comment in the PSIFF award acceptance about Bono not being a real musician were more awkward and uncomfortable than affectionate. And now that looooong wait for the handshake... is something going on here?
Okay, watching that gif a second time is interesting. I don't want to be a drama queen, but I thought Edge's comment in the PSIFF award acceptance about Bono not being a real musician were more awkward and uncomfortable than affectionate. And now that looooong wait for the handshake... is something going on here?

Yes, they're breaking up.

Okay, watching that gif a second time is interesting. I don't want to be a drama queen, but I thought Edge's comment in the PSIFF award acceptance about Bono not being a real musician were more awkward and uncomfortable than affectionate. And now that looooong wait for the handshake... is something going on here?

:shifty: Trouble in paradise?
Yes :lol:

I feel for both of them. Must be hard to get someone's attention who's suddenly in the middle of everyone else's attention.
:lol: looking at all those public appearance pics and videos,Edge seems always be the one who herds Bono around,directs him and sort of keeps under control.This moment was probably something like"B,hanshake,now!Good boy!":cute:
He really did snap his fingers. Yeah, I can think of a few of those "Bono, don't!" moments off the top of my head. Trouble in paradise indeed--they were so lovey just a week or two ago in the White Shirt photos. :sad:
:lol: looking at all those public appearance pics and videos,Edge seems always be the one who herds Bono around,directs him and sort of keeps under control.This moment was probably something like"B,hanshake,now!Good boy!":cute:

Mr CK and I have joked for a long time now that Reg is B's babysitter. Larry may be the true 'leader' of the band but he can't tolerate B's hyper-bouncy self the way the master Zen!Reg can. :lol::lol:
Did Edge actually snap his fingers to get B's attention there?
I thought I saw that, too! Yeah, what was up with that?!

thought Edge's comment in the PSIFF award acceptance about Bono not being a real musician were more awkward and uncomfortable than affectionate. And now that looooong wait for the handshake... is something going on here?

Edge has been joking about Bono not being a real musician for decades. There's a video somewhere from '83 where he and Adam are joking about that. "Bono justs wears the guitar" I think was the comment.:giggle:

I think it's just Edge's humor.

I watched the show with my husband who noticed the 'handshake.' He was surprised it wasn't the slap on the back, celebratory hug.
I had the impression some people here were over-analyzing something that is in fact playful.

On the other hand I'd understand if Edge was seriously hurt by all this kissing and cuddling action that was going on between Bono and all these other guys and girls that night. :tsk:
Here's what most likely went down:

B: ...You know, Reg, we could influence some young people 'em the ropes and all...

E: Do not chat up Taylor Swift.

B: But, Reg--she needs us...

E: Do not chat up Taylor Swift.

B: But she's so naive--shagging morons then dedicating complete albums to descriptions of how awful they are...

E: Do not chat up Taylor Swift.

B: Look, Reg--Taylor Swift!

E: :doh:
Here's what most likely went down:

B: ...You know, Reg, we could influence some young people 'em the ropes and all...

E: Do not chat up Taylor Swift.

B: But, Reg--she needs us...

E: Do not chat up Taylor Swift.

B: But she's so naive--shagging morons then dedicating complete albums to descriptions of how awful they are...

E: Do not chat up Taylor Swift.

B: Look, Reg--Taylor Swift!

E: :doh:

Where's the good ol' caption threads when we need them!?!?!?
He really did snap his fingers. Yeah, I can think of a few of those "Bono, don't!" moments off the top of my head. Trouble in paradise indeed--they were so lovey just a week or two ago in the White Shirt photos. :sad:
Oh,don't be sad! They are like old married couple.
I thought I saw that, too! Yeah, what was up with that?!

Edge has been joking about Bono not being a real musician for decades. There's a video somewhere from '83 where he and Adam are joking about that. "Bono justs wears the guitar" I think was the comment.:giggle:

I think it's just Edge's humor.

I watched the show with my husband who noticed the 'handshake.' He was surprised it wasn't the slap on the back, celebratory hug.

They totally broke up guys!! THAT is the true reason why the album is delayed! :sad:
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