FS: Limited edition artwork - promo for Atomic Bomb

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Mark Wright

Mar 10, 2007
Hi guys,

I'm a complete newbie here but I wanted genuine fans to be able to bid for this as I'm sorry to let it go...

I've got some original artwork made to co-incide with the album playback of How To Dismante An Atomic Bomb. There were only 60 made (of which mine is 35/60, written on the canvas) and were presented by Paul McGuinness to selected members of the press/radio/TV at a ceremony back in October 2004, which is how I come to own it.

I will include the pictured invite by way of authentication and historical keepsakey interest. I'm not looking for extortionate amounts for it, just enough to justify me letting it go.

If anyone has any questions or wants more information, photos, etc. I can be reached via mark@radiofriendly.co.uk

This is a supremely exclusive item which I've looked after well, so I'd like it to go to a good home.

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