for which song will U2 be remembered by the public?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 16, 2001
the ether
or will there not be any individual one?

Pride? Streets? With Or Without You? One? Stuck in A Moment? Walk On?

i would select those as the number one candidates as 'hits' that the general public would know of, perhaps 'beautiful day' could also be included. personally i would say either 'streets' or 'one', however the power of 'walk on' and 'stuck', for the populus at least, may well depend on if it continues its association with september 11th and it's positive message in light of the events.

> > >
U2 are one of the very few bands who will be rememerbed for more than one song.


all this are songs which will remain big hits on the radio etc...
Definitely WOWY and ONE ..and one more song that we haven't heard yet...

The more of these I drink the more Bono makes sense.. - Bean from the KROQ Breakfast with U2.
SBS, One, and Walk On!

"I DO go on, don't I?"-Bono, MCI Center, DC, June 14, 2001
When all is said and done, people who don't know much about music or U2 will remember One and With Or Without You. Those are really the big ones.

Additionally, people will remember Pride, ISHFWILF, and Mysterious Ways. But nothing will top the first two in the public eye.

Change is the only constant
Sunday Bloody Sunday, Pride, With or Without You, and One are the songs that are the most known and will continue to be.

Honorable mention goes to New Years Day, Where the Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, and Mysterious Ways.

Beautiful Day is probably in that second group by this point as well. It's still getting pretty heavy airplay around here and it may reach that "classic" status in time.

Neither Walk On nor Stuck in a Moment will be remembered by the general public the way the aforementioned are.

[This message has been edited by MSU2mike (edited 04-08-2002).]
More than One, also Streets SBS Pride and Beautiful Day.

[This message has been edited by cass (edited 04-08-2002).]
Lady with the spinning head.

hmmm sorry, I don't know what I'm thinking this days.


Please...don't make me say please, champagne and ice cream, it's not what I want, it's what I need.
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Mysterious Ways
With or Without You

If you cannot live together in here, you cannot live together out there, let me tell ya. --Bono

You've got to cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice... --Bono
I'd like to remind people here that U2 is still a band and probably will be for a few more decades or even more. They will very likely be remembered for many songs that have yet to be written.
Of songs that have been released though, With Or With Out You is by far their most popular and widely know song by the general public.
Beautiful Day! They played it at the Super Bowl in front of all those people and it was their most recent big hit (one song = 3 Grammys!).
It depends what songs keep playing on the radio after the band is not making music anymore
What ever their last hit single is before they call it quits. Because that will be the last some that will stick with the younger generation in the future.

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