For some reason I'm not very hyped.

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jul 22, 2004
Washington State
For some reason I'm just not as excited as I should be to hear Vertigo. I don't know why. I was really hyped for the alleged indie leak which never came to fruition. My attention span is too short to be excited again yet, I'll jave to hear the single first.

I'm glad though. I know Vertigo will blow me away so it's ok. It'll blow me away even more since I'm not too excited. Since my expectations aren't impossible I'll enjoy it more, even if it's somewhat flawed.

Yeah, I'm weird.
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Consider yourself lucky. All I can do is sit here refreshing this site constantly hoping something new pops up. Actually to be honest, I don't envy you, because I am actually enjoying it. :hyper:
I'm like a little boy nearing his birthday and getting all of his toys. Hehehehehe *evil laugh* HELLO HELLO! Well I'm at a place called Vertigo!

EEEEK! SOON SOON SOON SOON...waku waku waku waku.

I do envy you. I wish I was calm, BUT I"M NOT! I want to be Vertigo-ized and stuff.
You will, once you hear the intro to vertigo and then transports you into U2 bliss you'll back to normal. Its been a long wait.
I wish I could say the same. At this point, I'm acting like such a dweeb, even I'm getting tired of me. I can't imagine what the people outside of Blue Crack think of me.

For some reason, it seems particular bad for this single and album. I don't remember ever wanting to hear a song so bad since I became a U2 fan.
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