Fast question regarding R & H outtakes

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ONE love, blood, life
Jul 8, 2004
Bono's Sleeves
So I'm watching rattle and hum outtakes with youtwohearts and we're at the part of Graceland; Does that tour guide Stacey comprehend the fact she is giving U2 a tour of Graceland?? :shocked: Is she still in existence?? and if she is here please speak up!!!!!!!! Has she commented over the years that anybody knows of?
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Well, it's not an FYM thread anymore! ;)

one4u2: FYM is for off-topic political/social/religious/historical/philosophical discussions, and for posting sexy pictures of John Edwards. All general U2 discussion should be in EYKIW (Everything You Know Is Wrong).


Bono has a nice smile on this one.

one4u2: I´m sorry about the moving of your thread. I liked it. It was something good, something different.

Hmm maybe I should visit EYKIW or PLEBA more often.
whenhiphopdrovethebigcars said:
Bono has a nice smile on this one.

one4u2: I´m sorry about the moving of your thread. I liked it. It was something good, something different.

Hmm maybe I should visit EYKIW or PLEBA more often.

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